Ya know, first I just did a google search for some premade maps I could edit and play around with. That led me to the RPGhost forums. One of the posts there led me to this website. Intrigued by the impressive maps I saw, I made my "little" post challenging someone to make a map for my main city. That post got me the tip from Ravells I think it was, to d/l Inkscape. Similar in ways to Illustrator which I am fairly familiar with, but do not yet own. Then I saw Pyrandon's post that led me to this thread. So now I have the tools to not only reinvent the main city of my old D&D campaign from WAY back (i.e. before the internet...), but the entire campaign world including cities I never really mapped. And once I get my scanner, I'll be able to bring out my old dungeon maps (half of which are still intact) and rebuild my vast network of caverns (originally was about 30 sheets of graph paper connected
). I am in nostalgia heaven!! Thanks everyone for the tips and advice.
Innkeeper at the Darkwood Inn. The Foul Punster of the Cartographers' Guild!
Better role playing than dragon slaying!
Awesome, Keedo! Now you make sure to not only do those things, but POST tem too, so we can share in the fluffer-lovin' goodness!
My gallery is here
__________________________________________________ _______
"Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]
Oh you can be sure I'll post them. It might be a while before I get to the caverns and other cities. The work is going slowly as I am still playing around with the Inkscape tools, but I've already started on the main city map. I'm going to start a separate thread to show the progress I am making on it.
Just wanted to reply that the link is dead, trying to find it atm but not having luck...
And our time is flyin', see the candle burnin' low
Is the new world rising, from the shambles of the old
~The Rover - Led Zeppelin
Try this message. Luckily the author posted a free distribution clause in the EULA.
I noticed that until yesterday no one had explored this thread for a while, but I was intrigued.
Had a go at three different size cities with this random city generator today. Using only colour select and the drop shadow, bevel and add noise filters/ layer styles in photoshop got some pretty good results in just a few minutes. It's pretty cool that you can make a failry big city in the same amout of time as a village. I spent less than an hour to create all three maps.
Clearly, as it's random, some roads and rivers would need to be doctored. And some extra attenion on building distribution wouldn't go astray. But that shouldn't take too long.
This is probably old news to manyof you veterans, but a great discovery for me and others new to the forum.
This little program is a gem in my opinion. If you haven't had a look at it yet, why not give it a try.
Last edited by Aval Penworth; 02-15-2010 at 12:26 PM.
Nice job on these
I think i like the secon one best, but It does seem to have quite a bit of stray roads (roads that have no apparent function or reason to be there) Perhaps you Could add in some farms or something to give them a reason to be there ?![]()