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Thread: Looking for Savage Tide AP Maps

  1. #1

    Question Looking for Savage Tide AP Maps


    I have been searching the interweb for an hour and have not been able to find a source of maps for the Savage Tide adventure Path. I have seen ONE before, a while ago, but forgot to bookmark it and can't find it again =(

    Tons of stuff for every other AP under the sun expect the one I'm looking for! GAH!

    Can anyone give me a hand or know of some Savage Tide Map resources out there?


    EDIT: I will be using the maps with Maptool VTT, so pretty much anything 50dpi and up will work! Not that I've been able to find anything more than what is in the magzines themselves =(

  2. #2


    I don't know what you expect but Savage Tides is a magazine feature. Your best source for the story arc is probably Paizo and Dungeon back issues.

    If you have all the magazines you should be pretty well supplied. Beyond them, I'd start adapting other stuff you find rather than hope for it all done for you.

    Good luck

    Here's a website that talks a little about it.

    Last edited by Sigurd; 12-27-2009 at 04:51 PM.

    Dollhouse Syndrome = The temptation to turn a map into a picture, obscuring the goal of the image with the appeal of cute, or simply available, parts. Maps have clarity through simplification.

    --- Sigurd

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Sigurd View Post
    I don't know what you expect but Savage Tides is a magazine feature. Your best source for the story arc is probably Paizo and Dungeon back issues.

    If you have all the magazines you should be pretty well supplied. Beyond them, I'd start adapting other stuff you find rather than hope for it all done for you.
    Thanks for the reply! I do have the magazines. All of their other adventure paths are completly mapped out thrice over around the internet. Also, I've seen them before, just can't track them down again! ARGH!

    It would be silly for me to try and do all the work myself when I know it has been done already ten times better than I could ever do it haha...

  4. #4


    You could try scanning the maps and then print them with this tutorial from


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