A while back, I had a map made for my conworld. Since I'm not the photoshop artist and that as quite some time ago, I really wish to update and change the map. I have a base map available, but some assistance is required.

The Objective: create a geographical, climatological, and topologically realistic map of the continent. This includes: a layer indicating terrain types and climates (cf. Koppen classification) as well as indications of mountain ranges, lakes, marshes, (more) rivers, and forests (both tropical and non tropical). Also a layer for latitudes and longitudes would be appreciated.

A short description of the world: The planet itself consists of two large continents, separated by a vast sea. Human beings inhabit the one in the attachment, with the Asmodic and Denic civilizations as the focus of the work. The Asmodic people are actually a bit different than terrestrial humans, the most striking difference being the noticeably bluish skin tone. A few hundred years ago, war and political instability led to the collapse of mainland Asmodic states, causing a massive emigration to the Isle Asmodic states who are now the chief competition of the Denic nations.

The style of the map can vary depending on the artist's preference, though I'd like to discuss it with anyone who's willing to give it a shot. One possible style: http://www.solarnavigator.net/geogra...phical_map.jpg

this is the original map:


As you can see the mountain ranges are a bit uninteresting, and the climate zones are a bit difficult to discern from the map alone.

Absolutely no time constraint on when this should be done and if I really like your work (I'm pretty easy to impress ) I may ask you to help out with certain regional maps at a later time for a negotiated price...