(I found that setting in the admin section... sorry to everyone who had bright orange links for a moment thereI was warned not to break anything!)
It was underlined before. I could try setting it to blink.............
-Rob A>
Right now I have the links to be the same color as the rest of the text...I found that when I put the underline on links, there ends up being a LOT of underlining...so I'd like to use a different color for links...I'm open to suggestions...post your color ideas for links here...and for extra points (as if you got points) give us a demo with some text in your post using that color.
(I found that setting in the admin section... sorry to everyone who had bright orange links for a moment thereI was warned not to break anything!)
It was underlined before. I could try setting it to blink.............
-Rob A>
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I would be suggesting it goes to
or maybe
Something that stands out easily but isn't in "eye-strain orange" or "wowzers red"
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I kinda like that yellow...I also like light blue.
I think the yellow, being close in hue to both the cream text and the brown background, will disturb the eye less than the blue, which, being complementary to the color scheme, will tend to jump out and attract the eye too much.
Both are already present in the site's colors, though, so both are appropriate.
Bryan Ray, visual effects artist
Why not just use the gold as you have in your name there? Keeps the color scheme.
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I can't read the reply message as I type it. So when making a long post, I have to select all the typed text to see it in reverse and be able to see what I typed, I hope that's fixed soon. I find it quite annoying. I have a dark monitor at work, which I use to go online with, which is part of the problem, but there was no problem before.
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I like the light blue. It's true that it's complimentary, its like the sky blue to this forums earth brown. In any case, because its a light, soft color, it really doesn't "hurt" the eyes and as such, isn't really an "eye-sore". I don't like the yellow, I feel its more jarring than the blue.
Failing the blue, I like the rich gold tone of Arcana's name.
All IMHO, of course.
I'd also vote for the blue.
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We're going to experiment with both...currently its set to Admin Gold...my biggest complaint is that the users listing on the who's online list becomes gold...so its hard to distinguish. If I use CL blue for links, we'll have the same problem distinguishing CLs in the who's online list.
Perhaps we need a whole new color? Maybe a darker cream color for the default font and the current cream color for the link font?