Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
We have a winner !!! Or three in fact.

Well done Djekspek your ISO style artwork is truly beautiful. And Sapiento and industrygothica are taking home a copy of my app too. Both of your maps were very well correlated with your reference maps. So let me know if you want an installer download or a CD box through the post. I will have to release a big download of Ansium and the as yet unnamed CWBP world with all the maps on including these new ones in VDale format so you guys can have a play with it.

Well done to everyone who entered and don't be disheartened by not winning. I thought some of the less well voted entries were worth more than their vote count suggests. Maybe we should round 1/5th the number of votes cast per person to nearest instead of rounding down and then it might have reflected that better. Getting scale right and making seamless maps is quite a difficult thing to do.

Now I have to go and see about getting Djek a gold challenge medal...
Thanks... I look forward to playing with ViewingDale. Personally I'd rather a boxed copy if it's cool with you. Should I just PM you the address?

Thanks again for sponsoring, it was a great challenge. And congrats to djekspek on his THIRD WIN IN A ROW!!