Your mountain ranges are so organic ! What is the size and resolution of the base file ?
Well, me is no Pinnochio but I won't lie, I won't say its bad in fear of my nose growing, ITS AWESOME! it must be hard to draw a map where you progressively change the scale because of both the angle of your map and the sphere. That takes LOTS of courage!
Bravo is all I can say!
The mountains in the first page of the thread took a quick improvement.
Also, this thread is... THREE YEARS OLD! I am quite inspired by the devotion you give to your work.v Have some rep!
Edit: Argh... It says I must spread some rep first. Noooo! D: I can't place rep yet... Well... Have some, errr, invisible rep? *sigh*
We all wish to create, but do we really create?
What we draw and what we write is part of us.
No we do not create, we simply discover who we are.
**My maps have copyrights**
Your mountain ranges are so organic ! What is the size and resolution of the base file ?
Thanks Daniel
That is always good to hear.
Thanks Falconius
Thanks Elterio
And yes, it can be challenging to have the terrain changing as it curves around and especially down toward the bottom.
There is the choice of whether you flip it or what. I did flip it with Thurian age... may be just what ya have to do.
Hehe, 3 years... I didn't actually realize it had been that long.
[pats self on the back for endurance]
Thanks Thomas
The file is something like 150 mb and is maybe 24 x 24 inches at 300 dpi.
So it is sort of large, but not HUGE.
Thanks Ilanthar
I was pleased with the sort of swirl shape that I did here.
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Here's that flat plane Aerth thing I was referencing in the Flat Earth thread.
It really is a fun concept and has some cool potential for rpg gaming.
It all sort of came together rather quickly one evening.
And then I spent maybe one or two more nights working on some of it before it fell to the wayside for a time.
Maybe more will get done. Is hard to say. I have so many little orphans now as it is.
Outer Realms of Inner Aerth [crop wip] by sirinkman.jpg
I meant to add....
some of those lines going from one ... circle? to another are underground or other types of passages or routes.
It's a wip, so... haven't figured it all out just yet.
Last edited by J.Edward; 09-12-2017 at 09:25 PM.
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Looks very promising.
New Horizons
Fantasy maps and illustrations.
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I have a theory about flat plane worlds/universes. If a world is a flat plane, then gravity must be a constant force 'flowing' downwards perpendicular to the plane, and which deteriorates the further away from the source you get (the higher up in the sky something is) - or the sun, moon and stars (which presumably have circular orbits parallel to the plane of existence (the flat world) would fall into it.
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No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Thanks Voolf
I know, right ?
Thanks Mouse
It's a serviceable theory. And I like that you have thought about it.
It is a very problematic concept if one sticks to normal premises.
Though, ironically, i would be curious if people ever think about these things when dealing with other planes of existence...
like any of the higher or lower planes used in many rpgs - astral, ethereal, hades, gehenna, etc.
those are mostly all sort of eternal flat planes and have been pretty much accepted for a long time.
Sigh, i don't need more orphan maps.
Edit - As I have thought more about the whole messed up cosmology, it presents weird possibilities.
Like, are all of the inbetween ice areas in complete darkness?
Is light not a factor of stellar bodies? Is there some ambient light source?
Does light follow the same properties in this alternate reality?
If not, why and how does it differ?
Within the confines of this concept, are there some sort of forces that would allow for the motion of these stellar and lunar bodies?
Because it would, by default, have to differ from the physics of our current universe.
That in itself would be interesting to ponder - physics of a flat plane of existence.
Makes for a fun writing/thinking challenge.
These are, of course, questions I should not ponder when trying to get ready for bed.
Last edited by J.Edward; 09-15-2017 at 12:15 AM.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Read Strata by Terry Pratchett Lots of fun.
And really nice set of maps !