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Thread: List of Mapping Software

  1. #101


    Just look out that you don't buy an upgrade version, since those require a valid license for a previous version in order to install.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  2. #102
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    dose viso 2003 require MS office 2003 ( AKA : MS Office XP ) ?

    if so
    xp is dead and unsupported

    and both MS and adobe really dislike breaking the End user agreement and reselling the LEASED not bought software
    at least in the USA that is a violation of the DMCA
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

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  3. #103


    Ok - this is my sixth try to respond. It is taking me so long to write my reply that the forum keeps timing out and then it deletes my message. :-(

    First, let me say that your last message (johnvanvliet) is a bit incendiary.

    1. No. Visio 2003 is a stand alone program that can be used with Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, and even 2013 as well as Open Office.

    2. XP is not dead. It is unsupported - but it is not dead. To prove this, all you have to do is to go to any major retail outlet (such as Walmart) and look at a terminal that has crashed. It is running Windows XP. Or you can go online and find out that approximately 30% of everyone online is still using Windows XP. Or you can go to your favorite ATM machine and, when it crashes, see that it is running Windows XP. If XP was dead - then no one would be using it still.

    3. To answer your LEASED statement - Ask yourself why does Microsoft et al allow and (and other locations scattered around the internet) to sell used versions of their software?

    The answer to that question you would have to go back something like twenty years to the landmark lawsuits/cases which, once and for all, put a stop to Microsoft et al trying to prohibit people from selling software they no longer used or wanted. A group of about 100 companies filed suit and the Electronic Frontier Foundation defended. In all of the courts the trial was held (all the way up to the Supreme Court of the United States of America) the courts upheld the right of second sale. That is why they don't sue. Because people have the right to sell that which they no longer want.

    Remember that we are talking about older software and not the current stuff that is happening. Note that Microsoft, Adobe, and other companies are going to a format where they do NOT give you any kind of physical object. You are also told up front that you will be paying from now on. With Microsoft and Office 365 you usually pay on a yearly basis. With Adobe's Master Suite Collection you pay every month. In both cases - if you don't pay - you don't play. That is true leasing. Before, you bought a piece of software, you installed it, put in the key, and you could use it forever. That difference is the difference between leasing and buying. The courts also recognized this and put it in their decisions.

    That is why older software that is not truly being leased - can be bought and sold multiple times between people.

    Now! Before you go off half cocked - here are the DMCA rules regarding ANYTHING: You may buy something, use it, and the resell it. You may NOT buy something, make copies of it and sell the copies but keep the original. You may NOT buy something, make copies of it, and sell the original but keep the copies. You MUST get rid of not only the original but any/all copies you may have made. The DMCA FURTHER allows you to let anyone in your immediate family use the item without regards to any legal repercussions. The DMCA FURTHER allows you to let your BEST FRIEND (a really grey area thing) also make use of the item. BUT IN BOTH CASES no one else may use the item at the same time.

    The above is easiest understood when talking about books (which is what copyright was originally written for). You can buy a book, read the book, and then sell the book. You can not buy a book, read it, make copies of it, and sell or give the copies away but keep the book. You may not buy a book, read it, make copies, sell the original but keep the original. You MAY give the book to anyone in your immediate family to read. You may give the book to your best friend to read. As far as I know - aunts, uncles, cousins, and such can not be given the book although I am sure people do it all the time.

    I hope this helps to clear up your misconception about both what leasing in, how it applies to computer software, and the DMCA.

  4. #104
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    there is the free GPL'd OpenOffice and LibreOffice "Draw" program
    great for diagrams

    and it dose not require using a killed off operating system ( microsoft has been trying to kill XP for 5+ years)
    and it runs an Microsoft 7,8,8.1 and soon 10
    and on Apple osx
    and an BSD a
    and on Linux
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

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  5. #105
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markem View Post
    Ok - this is my sixth try to respond. It is taking me so long to write my reply that the forum keeps timing out and then it deletes my message.
    When this happens:

    1) Write your message with a text program. i.e. Word, Writer, Windows Notepad, etc.
    2) Copy it into the clipboard.
    3) Open the guild forum window.
    4) Insert the text from the clipboard.

    Say Amen and send your message.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  6. #106


    Wow. Really way too short of a wait time before timing out. :-)

    johnvanvliet: I am sorry you seem to hate XP - but both will run on XP also.

    Mark Oliva: Yeah - that is what I wound up doing. I notice there isn't an Edit feature for something you've already posted. I noticed a few typos after I posted and had wanted to correct them. Am I missing something?

    MS DOS - Still used at Universities because it is very stable. A friend at the Chemistry Department at the University of Houston uses it to analyze the chemical composition of molecules using a million dollar x-ray projector device. On the internet it is estimated that 0.0000001% of the almost 3 Billion people use it to get on the internet. How? I don't know.

    Windows v3.1 - Still used. I have two friends that still use this OS. They get on the internet and do everything everyone else does (except things that use jQuery or Java, etc...). They love that their 1.8Ghz systems can still use the OS. Only I think they only get to use something like 512MB of memory or maybe even less than that. Estimate on the internet is 0.000001% of the people still use it. Most of these people are found in Europe where some people believe 8-bit systems are fast enough for what they need it to do. My wife's parents who live in the boonies out in Arizona only recently upgraded to Windows 7 from Windows v3.1. They kept all of their private information on it as well as the volunteer fire department's information and records.

    Windows 95 & Windows 98se: I just finally got some clients to upgrade from these to Windows 8.1. This was only because their hard drives had started to go bad and I have been laid up with DVT since last Thanksgiving.

    Apple ][+ thru Apple //gs - Still used. Mainly for hobbist. I have a //gs which sports such thinigs as an SD card interface card and a USB interface card and an Ethernet card. I can surf the net with it and it isn't all that slow.

    Lisa Mac thru the Power Macs - I own a Power Mac and can do everything up to Netscape Navigator v4.x. Last Mac I owned before switching to PCs.

    midgardsormr : That is very true. Only buy the full blown package unless you happen to own the earlier one. Even then you should just buy the full blown package. I've had updates muck everything up before. :-/
    Last edited by - Max -; 01-22-2015 at 09:35 AM. Reason: merging double posts

  7. #107
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    There are some of us who get timeouts on 25-30% of the page loads we do over this entire forum, and so far no one seems able to do much about it, and those who don't get them, don't believe it's really happening. If it continues to be a problem for you, post in the Support thread.

  8. #108
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    I also had problems with timeouts before. I think the solution is to check the ''remember me''.

  9. #109


    I'll have to try that Azelor - thanks! :-)

  10. #110
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    johnvanvliet: I am sorry you seem to hate XP - but both will run on XP also.
    i do not HATE xp
    Microsoft KILLED IT OFF!!!! after 14 YEARS ( 5 years past when Microsoft wanted to )

    the same goes for Internet explorer 4,5,6 and 7
    you still DO NOT use the same internet explorer that was in win98 ( IE 3 and 4 ) do you ?
    and IE 6 is being ACTIVELY KILLED OFF by microsoft
    ie6 was in xp sp1
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