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Thread: [WIP] Building a world from tectonics onward

  1. #101
    Guild Journeyer Tiluchi's Avatar
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    This is super interesting! Happy to see others working on balancing out EPS with intuition knowing that EPS does have its quirks. I've been procrastinating on making a post on my Rheia thread, but one thing I've found is that the Azelor method (and I assume AzureWings' script, although I haven't used it) tends to systematically underestimate mediterranean climates and to a lesser extent dry summer climates, while EPS tends to overdo them; somewhere in the middle of those is probably the "true" distribution. Of course, none of this is "true" anyway so we have a little bit of latitude (no pun intended) to interpret things as we like within reason :-)

  2. #102


    Interestingly, the AzureWings result doesn't have the same extensive regions of mid-latitude Med climates and (too) high latitude hot deserts as the results reading directly from the EPS data; not entirely sure how the Pasta scripts use the EPS data but it's interesting to see that not reproduced here.
    The formal definitions for koppen zones sometimes involves data from all months rather than just jan/july, so that might contribute. The hot deserts thing may also be a definitions issue; some sources define the hot/cold boundary as an average temperature of 18 C, some as a coldest-month temperature of 0 C. The latter tends to result in more hot desert and is what my script defaults to, but that can be altered during configuration.

    In principle it should be possible to make a greyscale image file showing which areas you wanted hotter or colder and then alter the script to read that and adjust all the temperatures before determining climate zones (and the same for precipitation). With the current version of the koppenpasta script on the github, go to line 1058 (above print('Interpreting Data...')) and insert:

    adj_path = image.png #greyscale adjustment image, placed in the same directory as the script and preferably with smoothed colors
    min_adj = -20 #minimum adjustment of temperature in degrees C, i.e. scale of greatest cooling
    max_adj = 20 #maximum adjustment of temeprature in degrees C, i.e. scale of greatest heating
    zero_p = 128 #greyscale value (0-255) of image that corresponds to no adjustment
    zero_p *= 255
    adj, =
    adjm = adjm.convert('I;16')
    adjext = adjm.getextrema()
    adjm = adjm.resize((lonl,latl))
    adj = np.asarray(adjm)
    adj = adj - zero_p
    adj = np.where(adj > 0, adj * max_adj / (adjext[1] - zero_p), adj * min_adj / (adjext[0] - zero_p)
    adj = adj[np.newaxis,:,:]
    tas = tas + adj
    ts = ts + adj

    And make sure it's all indented to the same level as the print... line. For precipitation it could be basically the same but remove the last two lines and add pr = pr + adj (and it should work fine to have one after the other.)

    only a single year as the script doesn't like my averaged nc files
    Are you sure you're pointing it to the averaged file and not the one with data further averaged to annual averages? (or to a folder containing multiple .nc files)

  3. #103


    Oooh, this looks really useful. Thanks a bunch! I'm very much not a coder, but I'm familiar enough with to Python to implement this for precipitation, as well, though I imagine that wouldn't have seasonal variation. I'll mess around and see what happens

    Quote Originally Posted by worldbuilding pasta View Post
    Are you sure you're pointing it to the averaged file and not the one with data further averaged to annual averages? (or to a folder containing multiple .nc files)
    I've been attempting to use the averaged .nc file with all 12 months and the output I get looks like it partially works for some continents but then fails for others and just outputs climates with straight line divisions. This happens for different resolutions, outputs, etc, so it's not only a one-off. It could totally be user error on my end, so if it's helpful I can show you what I'm getting.

  4. #104


    Hmm do those .nc files look normal in panoply?

  5. #105


    As far as I can tell they look and behave totally as expected.

  6. #106


    Hmm, I actually saw someone else get a similar issue recently but I just haven't been able to replicate it. I may do some tests soon, the script could use a bit of optimization in a couple places anyway.

  7. #107
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Not sure if ayone knows but this guy is building a more firendly model to hat seems will include some decent climatic basic reconstruction , Dunno the details but perhaps looks interesting.

  8. #108

    Default Interesting

    Interesting idea, I would like to see how this develops. I like the concept of building it up from here to have a better sense of continent design.

    Would you include where the sun(s) path to help determine climate on your continents?

  9. #109


    After a fair bit of manual tweaking, I've gotten a "hybrid" climate map using the EPS output and tutorial / script from here. There are still some oddities--like an awful lot of subtropical highland climate--but overall I think it's a pretty nice compromise between the two different methods.

    output10_light.png topo_light.png

  10. #110
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    I was wondering. Since you can place your prime meridian anywhere, why not rotate it around a bit so none of your major continents (except for the one near the south pole) are cut off at the edges? That would look something like this:


    Nothing but a suggestion, and maybe there's something about that one loopy continent that makes it really important so you don't want to cut it up? I don't know. But other than that, I think this map is looking abso-effing-lutely gorgeous.
    Caenwyr Cartography

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