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Thread: Middle Earth DEM Project

  1. #111
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    sall good guys. I noticed that WM is now lining up to work with hf2- it's in the drop down list with WM dialogs- not sure if support has been implemented yt. I think Stephen has moved to Mars.
    Finally after 3 days of piggiing about started to draw actual terrain in WM. Working on that tonight.

    I think we should ask Joe if he'll implement the hf2.

    GC should have it at some point too, but things are slow.

    Yeh, GM is the muts nuts.


  2. #112
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    Humble beginnings...this is the first order of ridge networks going in.


  3. #113
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I found that bug and fixed it. Its running another pass but it probably wont finish tonight.

    Since your around tho... is the amount of snow about right in the last pic ? I can up the temperature a bit and force it northwards.

    The land is very close to sea level in the bottom too so that there is this huge beach. That must be about 5m or so above sea level and very flat indeed. There are 20 mile waves crashing in there at mo

    Oh yeah one thing. Are the rivers and lakes in the ice fields liquid or frozen over ?
    Last edited by Redrobes; 01-15-2009 at 09:04 PM.

  4. #114
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Ok so I couldn't wait for tomorrow...

    Monks - check this out. This I think is the very first version of MeDem V1.0 coloured up. So it has a few rough edges at this point but these seem like areas which can be fixed easily as opposed to making another ascent through a precipitous frosty crevasse to do it.

    Critique it strongly and ill get it all fixed up. For a start there are hardly any trees at this point etc.
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    Last edited by Redrobes; 01-15-2009 at 10:11 PM.

  5. #115
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    woah. hahah! effing good sh*t! LOVE IT.

    Can we get more natural fall off on the ice by latitude? That's a harsh transition; just a little. I was thinking a fall off influenced by river valleys but that's just one idea- whether tis doable I dunno. The temperature would be moderated by water and the relief being more sheltered- ie the rivers. Also I think large areas of veg as well- but there aren't any are there?

    Don't know what happened with the bottom edge. Some export problem from GM obviously. It's a minor detail we can cut that off...well needs must on this occasion I think. I don't want to go back now: let's just do this run. Going forward.

    Yes, just looked again. The ice should not come that far south. It should have its *absolute* limit along the northern edge of those mountains- the ones runs east-west. Even that would be too much. I think some degrees north of that line.

    A bit too much snow on the Mistys as well. Can we reduce that cover?

    I see what you mean about the bottom left yes? That is one huge beach...! I could add a little in WM to that area- just some polys to undulate. There's the hills of course but not sure how many are down there.

    this needs changing- this should be grasslands- what is that? moorland?

    This is AWESOME- gotta get me a bigger pic of this Robes. Can you stick one up on the ftp? The whole transition from river -> hills -> moorland is so beautiful. All that complexity. Once we add the hills in in World Machine.... sweeeeeeeeet.

    Last edited by monks; 01-16-2009 at 06:50 AM.

  6. #116
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Fun isn't it. Knackered today - cue bleary eyes etc...

    The map is 10x10 tiles and it takes about 5 mins per tile so thats about 5hrs for the map. So checking a change is not too bad but then applying that change globally is a bit harder. Still, by using the makefile you can select which tiles you want to ditch and recalc and it will run through just updating them only thats really really cool when your looking at this much time to recalc.

    I think generally there is too much snow and that the temperature needs to be increased. To fade out that snowline I thought that we should increase the solar heating so that you get bare south sides of the mountains which would stagger that snow line much more. I think the Mistys should be dappled with snow not solid right ?

    Lets forget the bottom left and concentrate on the Mistys + Mindol areas then and get the bits that matter about right. I am hoping that there will be some mountainous texture on the Mordor border and stuff like that cos its a bit flat right now. Maybe we will submit just Mistys as a map ? Still, all that I think is the problem is that the land towards the sea does not have much definition and its very low. I have the beach settings in the tex compositor so I could hack them down a bit. But the land around that area is just above sea level and very flat so its putting in a big beach. The waves are just 0.25m high and they span quite a distance so it must be really flat indeed. Not to worry tho.

    That dark patch is igneous rock instead of normal. I will have to check my settings here as I think that veg should cover most of that up. I will have to blur the igneous mask a lot too I think. Its too sharp.

    My main issue is that the whole thing is grass so I have to up the trees and get them in. There should be some forests in there but it didn't grow them for some reason. Maybe its too cold at mo. Will push up the veg param anyway with the temperature then maybe they will come in.

    I'll upload a big pic somewhere though I should get you a VDale version as its fun to whiz round it. I ought to get the height map down to about 2K to so I can play with DragonFlight too.

  7. #117
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    re snow on mistys Yes, if you look at Google Earth Alps from high up, the snow actually adds definition to the ridge patterns. When I was working in WM I got the snow coverage on the tex just right so that it brings out those macro structures- it looks just like the google shots. That's the same latitude so.

    Depends on just how much I manage to do here in WM. So that's a yes on entering a separate Mistys- I think the whole map will be not far off that Misty quad.

    re: bottom left

    yes, I'll tool with that as the last thing on my list, but it's not priority.


  8. #118
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Ok, warmed it up a bit so that snow goes to the Northernm ridge line. Added a bit more veg and fixed up the igneous to be under the veg this time (duh!) and improved the river water texture to be more consistent. Lorien, Fangorn and Mirkwood still not coming through so ill look into that next.

    Making a few more changes and starting a new full run.
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    Last edited by Redrobes; 01-16-2009 at 02:53 PM.

  9. #119
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    New one. Some of the forests have come out this time. Still there are some holes in them. I think this might be due to flooding but I am not sure at this stage. Will have to look and fix that since I zap all the water off the map before rendering it.

    Lorien is not coming out still. This could be that its higher in altitude or that its too cold from that too. I will have to check the temperature map to see. I am wondering if I should raise the temperature where there is forests since there are some in the ice fields and they will never come out if its this cold. I am not sure how cold it is up there but on our map its very cold indeed - like about -20 or something like that.

    Anyway - I am pleased at how its coming along. Still lots to fix up but anything else that is glaringly obviously wrong to an M.E. eye that I don't have.

    Oh yeah, I added a little smoothing to one stage which added about a minute to a tile calc. Thats an extra 2 hours to calc now. Will have to do something about that I think. So its at about 7 or so hrs at mo.
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  10. #120
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    Looking good.

    "I am wondering if I should raise the temperature where there is forests since there are some in the ice fields and they will never come out if its this cold. I am not sure how cold it is up there but on our map its very cold indeed - like about -20 or something like that."

    Absolutely. That whole area is looking like an ice cap. It should be tundra and boreal forests and higher in latitudes- krumholtz. True full ice cap should be at the most northern extremity on that coast north of the most northern range of mountains. to south are those forests as you mentioned. If we have to 'hack' the to get the forests out, so be it.
    I was going to say that we need to keep this bay with more ice- pretty much as it was previously in fact- this is called the Ice Bay of Forochel. It fgures in the Histories.

    This area (Angmar) should be preternaturally cold because of the presence of the Witch King. I think just shade less ice tho. for the big map....WOWzer! Omg, can't wait to get those hills,and mountains in...

    Finished the first pass on the mountains about now....yeh I know, 3 passes is pushing it especially considering that the next networks require more manual labour. I think we'll probably have to settle for 2 passes.
    just noticed the misty as well- yep that's pretty much the effect of th snow cover I meant.

    Last edited by monks; 01-17-2009 at 10:46 AM.

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