Amazing project. You're very good in doing all those nice light effects.
I like this one and your other dungeon maps very much.
Can't wait to see more.
Amazing project. You're very good in doing all those nice light effects.
I like this one and your other dungeon maps very much.
Can't wait to see more.
I'm planning on getting back to this over the coming weekend - I have some spare time for the first time since November.
Ok - First thing is to see where I am.
I threw the main keep onto a rough background. I may go back and redo the cliffs properly on all maps later on.
Keep roof.jpg
Here are all the completed exterior maps combined and reduced to a quarter of the original quality. There are some seams visible, in particular between the two western maps. There's an error in the shadow colour of the flag/turret west of the stable. The chapel needs a shadow, as pointed out above. I really don't like the spiky bits on the chapel buttresses. But otherwise, its not too shabby.
CaslteOverviewGrid.jpg CaslteOverview.jpg
Next I either need to the interior of the keep (two levels), or else the big tower on the east side of the courtyard.
This is the concept plan I did at the start; reposting this here so I don't have to look back through all the previous pages. No-one is allowed to point out that the crap collage I did in five seconds below looks better than my carefully crafted maps above.
Last edited by Jacktannery; 02-02-2013 at 12:02 PM.
Started on the eastern tower map. Just working on the roof. I am re-using a tower roof done by BluDragn in 2006 here: Dundjinni Mapping Software - Forums: Tower Roof
EDIT: and now with added paving and shadows:
Last edited by Jacktannery; 02-02-2013 at 04:55 PM.
Nearly done this exterior view. The forest below doesn't look very good - I will need to redo the fog effect & lighting.
Last edited by Jacktannery; 02-09-2013 at 09:49 AM.
*sight* These maps are still so beautiful...
Looking fabulous Jack. Have a bit of rep for all your hard work.
Thanks guys. I am now starting on the walkways map. Uploading the first pass.
In the finished map for this area I intend two versions
1) scaled as normal.
2) with the walkways only in focus, and with the ground floor scaled down to look smaller and slightly desaturated and blurred; maybe a few birds. I have high hopes for this but I have no idea what it will look like in practice.
By the way, I found this while deleting some old files. It was part of a river I was beginning to make for a commission but the project fell through so I never finished it. It might be useful to someone as a base for something. I'd post it in Bogie's 'map elements' thread, but it isn't finished so its not really good enough for that. Feel free to use for anything non-commercial.