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Thread: Kronos (reborn) topographic

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  1. #1
    Guild Adept Harrg's Avatar
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    I change relief on the north. Now u can see old mountain range from Hibben on the south-west to Svartal and Whale coast on the north. Aslo I added old mountain range on the middle of continent. And like experiment I added some volcanose on the east of Middle Sea.I think this volcanos look interesting and soon I will add new volcanic lines in right places.
    Now I`m working on islands arcs on the west and east of continent. I see some problem places, that I whant try fixe with wilbur mask(not shure will it be work or not)
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  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Harrg View Post
    I change relief on the north. Now u can see old mountain range from Hibben on the south-west to Svartal and Whale coast on the north. Aslo I added old mountain range on the middle of continent. And like experiment I added some volcanose on the east of Middle Sea.I think this volcanos look interesting and soon I will add new volcanic lines in right places.
    Now I`m working on islands arcs on the west and east of continent. I see some problem places, that I whant try fixe with wilbur mask(not shure will it be work or not)
    - About your volcanoes, in the east of the middlesea: are these volcanoes taken from DEMs as well?

  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer Tiluchi's Avatar
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    This looks like an improvement! Always a fan of adding more volcanoes, especially since this seems to have good enough resolution that they'd be visible. Guessing the coastal mountain range in the far east would be volcanic, as it appears to be on a subductive margin. Also a big fan of the glacial (?) lakes up in the northern part.

  4. #4
    Guild Adept Harrg's Avatar
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    Thank you.
    Guessing the coastal mountain range in the far east would be volcanic, as it appears to be on a subductive margin.
    Yes Narratar mountains(far east) will be volcanic.
    Also a big fan of the glacial (?) lakes up in the northern part
    Yes I mean glacial lakes.
    I'm not completely satisfied of my north. If correctly use glacie erosion it flooded it and will be islands here. I whant save plaine with lakes, but not sea bottom. Mb make west-nothern mountains range active? I thinked about Pangea or Lavrasia model for it. Panthalassa ocean on the norht-west and Tetiss ocean on the east.
    With this model I will have 3 oceans. Panthalassa-like on the norht-west, Tetiss-like on the east, and south Pole ocean. And 2 big continetal mass - Kronos and TERRA BOREA on the north-east
    I show it in sketch.
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    Last edited by Harrg; 12-28-2020 at 04:33 PM.

  5. #5
    Guild Adept Harrg's Avatar
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    Small test with shading and coloring.
    There are many troubles with wilbur artifacts, I will fixe it soon. In some place there are height difference and unrealistic smooth coasts(I mean brush movement, I need remake for more realistic coastline erosion) Also I need fixe rivers, add sand dunes, swamps, volcaonoes, and etc
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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Harrg View Post
    Small test with shading and coloring.
    There are many troubles with wilbur artifacts, I will fixe it soon. In some place there are height difference and unrealistic smooth coasts(I mean brush movement, I need remake for more realistic coastline erosion) Also I need fixe rivers, add sand dunes, swamps, volcaonoes, and etc
    Hello again,

    You wrote "... unrealistic smooth coasts(I mean brush movement, I need remake for more realistic coastline erosion)..."

    1 - How did you make the coastline more realistic: with Wilbur too? Or did you do it by hand ("brush movement")?

  7. #7
    Guild Adept Harrg's Avatar
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    Some fun with bathymetry. I ignored it in my previouse maps, but I think it`s look interesting
    I need advice about base relief and land formes, tectonic, previouse than I will start work with small details of coast and relief.
    Mb add some small mountain ranges, or correct it? (Ignore rivers on this step, I will be work on it soon)
    I think nothern part looks better, but something wrong. And Tavant-Izsarant (mountain on the west of "Himalay")looks strange too
    I added some dunes and barkhans, make correction of coast, added new lakes and fixed old, lowered the land level in some places, made the mountains clearer and added orogeny Zagros-like on the west. And now it`s look better
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    Last edited by Harrg; 02-07-2021 at 04:35 AM.

  8. #8
    Guild Adept Harrg's Avatar
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    I`m working on the Ice Age relief of the north.
    This is hard, because I need imagine how ice shields moved and how it influenced on rivers and etc. Also I try imagine how rivers change them streames, previouse than stay on the modern positions.
    Lands on the north of the huge middle orogeny looks flat and congenerical. I whant add here some ancient basins(punctir line). Today it is a flood plains with some lakes.
    I also revise the relative heights by lowering the altitude in the southern part of the continent
    I try to pay special attention to the large river in the center of the continent. I am planning to add a large delta here.
    I have not decided yet and have no idea how the river will look like. I think the best candidate would be a mix of Amazon and Ganges
    I try to lower the relief here to emphasize the sinking of the southern plate under the northern.
    I feel that in the southern part of the continent some rivers need to be redirected into indoor pools. Because now, they are all oriented towards one of the coasts

    I hope for feedback.
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    Last edited by Harrg; 02-19-2021 at 03:19 AM.

  9. #9
    Guild Adept Harrg's Avatar
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    Mini-update. 2 different color-map that I use for work.
    Dark version better for edit elevation. Light version is main.
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  10. #10
    Guild Adept Harrg's Avatar
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    I think I was able to achieve the forms that I like. The main work on map finished, but it does not mean that the work as a whole is close to the end.
    There are a lot of boring, routine work ahead.
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