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Thread: 03 - Atlas Ward [Mouse]

  1. #121


    Thanks Red

    These are 70% reductions on the original.

    If it would make things easier I will stick to exactly the same pixel dimensions now until the end.

  2. #122
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Yes it would make it easier for me if I could just download the latest wip and update it using that same mask. To be honest the mask stretches to fit the colour image anyway so if you posted it the same only 100% it would be fine. Just dont move the section border within the image frame - or if you do, just post another one of those boder images again then I can remake another mask for it.

    Updated the overall map. Wontbe doing the zoom one tonight tho. Needs more changes to the whole city first.

    Thats about it for me tonight. Catch you tomorrow for the next batch of updates.

  3. #123


    Thanks for sorting all that out, Red

    I will continue now with the same dimensions and relative district position within that area. I had recently adjusted it to make room for the border and text, which is probably why it went a bit wrong, so in the end, you see, it was actually my fault

  4. #124


    This is a hybrid arid/tropical version somewhere half way between the two previous versions.

    I suddenly realised the arena was the wrong shape, even though I thought I measured it quite accurately, so I had to redraw it. Originally it was going to be a proper arena, with some kind of dome roof over it, but the supports for such a roof would make the grounds so extensive that I wouldn't have room for much else, so its become a stadium instead - complete with English football markings. But don't let that turn you off - the darker things that happen here occur underneath the field, where there are tunnels that may even link up with the Calliper Caves, and who know what happens down there.

    I've also messed with the cliff at the water's edge again. I was worried about it being so dark, since the stone is basically pale fawn-grey. I've made it as light as I can get away with doing it, while still having it fit with the rest of my ward.

    Changed the paper colour as well - it was too green to go well with a more arid colour scheme.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Atlas Ward arid 02.JPG

  5. #125
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Wow changing that paper backing and adding those trees made a huge difference. Nice. Although with the cliffs I can't tell if that blue is shadow or water, either way it gives the impression that the water is much closer which actually kind of messes up the depth you had going on there.

  6. #126


    Such a nice progress Mouse. Have to gather some friends and play football there one day. It is not so far from my disctrict after all

  7. #127


    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    Wow changing that paper backing and adding those trees made a huge difference. Nice. Although with the cliffs I can't tell if that blue is shadow or water, either way it gives the impression that the water is much closer which actually kind of messes up the depth you had going on there.
    Thanks Falconius

    I'm glad you mentioned the cliff. I'm still not happy with it, but I don't want to take it back to being as dark as it was before. I can reverse what I've done in a matter of seconds because its just the settings on the sheet effects that I'm using on those particular sheets, but there has to be another way than having it nearly black, or my poor neighbours will have a heck of a job doing their own cliffs.

    I've noticed how PS users tend to work about 5 shades paler than I generally do. I only have to look at snodsy's beautiful map to see and understand the problem that I might be about to cause to plots 2 and 4 if I'm not very careful. He's got the depth thing going really nicely, but his shadows are only about half as black as mine are, if that.

    Its very difficult to explain the complexities of trying to match up a drawing done with texture fills and shadow effects, with something drawn and shaded by hand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
    Such a nice progress Mouse. Have to gather some friends and play football there one day. It is not so far from my disctrict after all
    Thanks Voolf - I'll book you a date Come down to the Compass Rose some time to see about arrangements.

  8. #128
    Guild Master Facebook Connected - JO -'s Avatar
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    Really great !
    And I like the story a lot

  9. #129


    Thanks Jo

    I wasn't sure about the story, since I can't even remember writing the bit about the Calliper Caves and the ballista - I was that tired when I did it, but if you like it I'll keep it

  10. #130


    Nice improvements, Mouse! OK, now I really can't picture (very) young gladiators in this arena anymore . Hmm, how the local team is called? The "mouse pack" ?

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