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  1. #1
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    If I get a few hours spare, ill lower the mask height for these mountains and try some on the Mistys and see how they look. Incidentally, do you have some average spot heights for some of these ranges. What would you say those mts at Mordor should have been, and what should the Nimrais and Mistys be as well. Quote what you want me to set them to and ill give it a go and get some 'proper' renders of them to see how they might look in a full run.

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    A couple of lower height mask runs. I think something between the two would be perfect. I got some spot heights off of Monks so ill set that up to be accurate to those now which is almost exactly half way between the first and this version. A full map of mountains like this would look cool.
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  3. #3
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I have been working more on the mountains of ME. Arandil, a member here and fellow medemmer has found a bunch of real mountain tiles and I have added some code to my GTS to rotate the height or flip it. By writing a script I have randomly picked a tile from his set and randomly rotated and flipped it and built up an array of the 40x40 tiles. By blending these together into one seamless expanse we hope to create a mountain range mask that we can apply to any masked in mountainous regions on the map. Its easier than trying to make the stuff by hand.

    So now that I have all 1600 tiles, I thought I would share a 4x4 set of tiles blended together to make a 4096x4096 pixel mountain map. Apologies for the image being JPG but it blew the byte limit in PNG. At least this is better than the 5Gb of mountains I have on my drive now. Also, this is only 8 bit greyscale image instead of the full 16bit were using. But if you either add this to your map or use it as an extra height field in a continental map then it would be useful. Oh and this one is seamless within the 4x4 but not wrap around the edges. Anyway, hope its big enough.

    Gotta try this out with the full MeDem map next then we chuck the whole thing at Outerra and see how it looks with real mountains in it.

  4. #4
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    Something went awry with my forum notifications.

    The ME-DEM project has been given kind permission by Cameni and AngryPig to post some development shots of our terrain within Outerra.

    We recently moved over to an entirely new workflow in ME-DEM for building the terrain. We've been testing whether that would be feasable of itself and also testing the specifics of getting it into Outerra and how Outerra renders it with its procedural fractals at the sub 90m scale.

    We got our initial terrain into Outerra which was built on our old workflow using procedural terrain generators. After viewing it from orbit and having seen the real earth data in Outerra (SRTM v4 at 90m), it was pretty obvious that it didn't stand up very well to scrutiny from high orbit.
    While procedurals terrain generators are great are small scale (sub planetary- Outerra is BIIIIIG!!) terrain modelling, they don't currently have tools for creating convincing large scale structures like continental mountain ranges. So we decided to use real earth data instead...

    We're currently using two methods: a more traditional manual modelling approach using real terrain from SRTM sources in Photoshop, Leveller, and World Machine and procedural tile blending of tiles from the same data. We use Global Mapper to select and export the tiles.

    The manual modelling of the mountain ranges is the long term goal- but it will be longer term. the procedural approach will be handled by Robes' texturer and take care of any terrain I've not modelled manually in the meantime.

    First up was Mordor. Bear in mind that in the future the texturer will be set up to incorporate user defined textures. We're still with the default Earth texture settings here.

    The highest point on the terrain is at around 16,000 ft. Not sure where that is exactly...but everything looks good. We've used artistic license and extended the height of the Mordor mountains. We're probably going to roughly double the height of the mountains in Middle Earth over our previous estimates.
    I used the Carpathians as the basis for Mordor- sorry to people who live there, no offence ;D. The problem with that was that they are not young mountains like say the Himalayas with all of those sharp glaciated ridges, so I had to apply ridge sharpening in World Machine. The Photoshop processing removed some of the high frequency detail from the terrain so I had to replace that procedutally while preserving the flatness of the valleys.

    These are all shots of just the lower right quad of the ME-DEM terrain. I'll post some shots later with the entire map.



    Another problem we had was creating a good transition from mountains to lowlands. This turned out to be not too difficult to solve.


    Last edited by monks; 09-13-2011 at 07:09 PM.

  5. #5
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    One of the spooky mountains- this is really cool when you travel across the Udun crater- it's huge and very evil looking up close Just to get an idea of the scale of this, it takes about 20 minutes to travel across the crater of Udun "running" along the ground.

    I added a sea of mist and took some pics- you get an almost tropical feel.

    In this one the mist fills the caldera of Udun. The Morannon Gate (the location of the battle at the end of The Return of the King) is at the south at the gap in the crater. To get a sense of the scale of this, the arrow in the pic points to the summit of the tower in the previous pic just poking its head above the mist!

    Here's Mt Doom

    I was playing around in World Machine with Voronoi noise and came up with the beginning of a surface for the plains of Mordor.

    It'd be really sweet to be able to add to this plain the occasional displacements like these:
    Terragen 2 has a workflow which can export displacements as meshes to 3Ds Max. That's one possibility, Outerra will no doubt have procedural solutions too.

    Last edited by monks; 09-13-2011 at 07:47 PM.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    Thanks ravells. We're gonna do a run of the whole map in the next week, I'm looking forward to seeing how it comes out!


  8. #8


    I have to say I've been following this thread from early September of 07 when I found the CG website. Your work on this is down right brilliant, and the idea of mapping an entire fantasy world in 3D is right up my alley. I've always harbored a desire to map Tolkien's world and Steven R. Donaldson's The Land (from the Thomas Covenant series).

    I may have missed it in previous posts, but whats the long term goal of the project? Is this strictly a labor of love? or do you harbor some ideas about a "bigger picture" with the finished product?

    As an animation student in my 5th year of college, I admire your tenacity and wish you a ton of good luck.


  9. #9
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    Hi Silverleaf, thanks a bunch!

    We've spent so long over this project, and I've learnt a huge amount over the years. I now know that I could do a heightmap of any fantasy
    world that had ref maps/ topo maps very quickly. I'd say in months rather than in years. We've evolved our workflow over time, and the use of Robes' procedural texturer would be part of that workflow.
    So, what we're doing right now is moving towards a full run of the map with real world mountains applied procedurally (apart from Mordor which will be the hand modelled version seen in the pics). That's the immediate goal. We've been held up for the last 3 weeks because the software I'm using has a major bug which is preventing me from outputting terrain tiles. So, waiting on a fix for that.
    After that, the next goal will be completely covering the terrain with dem data, using terrain sourced by type from the real world.
    There will be some (lots) improvements in the renderer to (Outerra) along the way of course. Can't say exactly what due to nda, but the next shots should take advantage of a new feature. Expect the terrain to look a lot more like the Tolkien maps. )

    Another thing we could develop more is textures.

    After that..? well, I'm up for modelling another world just to prove that it can be done way quicker. The two that sprang to mind are Narnia and Thomas Covenant- yeh I read those when I was ata school!

    What animation are you studying? If you wanted to get involved with thew project, feel free to join the boards.

    some more pics:


  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by monks View Post
    I now know that I could do a heightmap of any fantasy world that had ref maps/ topo maps very quickly. I'd say in months rather than in years. We've evolved our workflow over time, and the use of Robes' procedural texturer would be part of that workflow.
    Woah, that excellent to hear. So which is preferred, topo or simple reference?

    Quote Originally Posted by monks View Post
    After that..? well, I'm up for modelling another world just to prove that it can be done way quicker. The two that sprang to mind are Narnia and Thomas Covenant- yeh I read those when I was ata school!
    Now your talking! The Land is a major draw for me because like Middle Earth, that world seems alive to me more than the one I live in. I hadn't thought of Narnia but perhaps you might look at the world of Harn (Columbia Games).

    Quote Originally Posted by monks View Post
    What animation are you studying? If you wanted to get involved with thew project, feel free to join the boards.
    My main focus is 3D Studio Max, although I must admit to being more interested in the graphic/post-design aspect of it all. I'll have my Associates at the end of this semester, and then another year for the Bachelors. After that I plan to go on for the Masters so that I can teach animation at the collegiate level.

    Thanks for the link to the ME site, I've bookmarked it and will spend the next few hours over there absorbing the material and images you've posted.

    Really, and this is certainly the uber-geek in me speaking, I've not been this excited about an ongoing project since I first heard that Stephen R. Donaldson was revisiting The Land. I can hardly wait for 2013 for the 4th and final book of the Last Chronicles to hit. The world better not end in 2012, cause I will be royally irritated.

    Please keep posting updates and I'll continue to drool.


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