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Thread: Bladechapel battlemap (using Illustrator)

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    Wip Bladechapel battlemap (using Illustrator)

    I'm running a Pathfinder campaign set in Ptolus (a city setting created by Monte Cook). Within this setting is a group called the Knights of the Pale (sort of anti-outsider/anti-undead crusaders with the blessing of the government), based in Bladechapel, the mansion/fortress of their leader.

    Some bad things are about to happen to the Knights of the Pale, so I thought I'd flesh out the house as a battlemap, both to use in my campaign and to learn Illustrator a bit better. I prefer vector software for mapping, but want to try some tricks to make it look not quite so stark. As this is a battlemap, and I don't want to go totally insane, I will probably furnish the map using raster bitmaps placed in various places rather than build couches and beds and stuff from vectors. I want floor textures and such to be vector textures though.

    I couldn't find any existing maps of Bladechapel on the net. The only source comes from the Ptolus book itself, and the city map that accompanies it. On a very high resolution map of the city, the building is represented like so:

    The description in the book says:

    The two-story house is practically a fortress and could easily be made truly defensible if needed. It boasts its own chapel dedicated to Lothian, an impressive martial training facility, and a large armory. … The major decorations in every room are shields, crossed swords, and unique or historical weapons carefully mounted and well cared for.
    Scale on that map shows the building to be about 200 feet wide.

    I'll try to post progress as I go.
    Last edited by Wordman; 02-22-2013 at 03:23 AM.

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