I think this is a great idea for a challenge! I recently joined the community to work on the lite challenge. I was about complete with that drawing and this one was posted. I like it because I have an idea for a world map and I need practice to figure out my technique. I also want to try out Adobe Illustrator for this challenge and try to use the appearance panel to get the look I want. The lite challenge I did in Autodesk Sketchbook Pro so this map will be a completely new type of drawing.

So below is my first WIP. I found the font online so I re-entered the text in the same positions. I am using a parchment texture background I downloaded from Mouse from the links in his signature, thank you!

The lines around the land masses have 3 strokes and a fill applied in the appearance panel, with effects applied to each. Not quite sure if I have it how I want it yet. I may redraw the lines with my Wacom, I originally just moused them since I had forgot my tablet at work. I'll see, but it's easy to just copy the appearance to the new lines.

Next step is to draw the land features (mountains, trees, hills, rivers, etc.) which I hope to use a scatter brush to lay it down. I hope that works.

### Latest WIP ###