Here's a fun map I did recently for author Clifton Moberg for his new book, Pontius Pilate - Against The Truth.
It's always fun to map the Mediterranean, but this one was even more so.
I enjoy working in this style. It's just a pleasure to create those lines.

There will be a website for it, but it was not active at the time of posting, though I did wait a while to see if it would be.
I'll update the info when it is active.

The map was to orient readers to the region in which the story plays out.
I hope you enjoy it. I'm about to be swamped with work, so I may be sporadic in posting for a bit.
Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the weather, which for me is beginning to cool and be perfect for walking and hiking.
Cheers, J

Pontius Pilate - Against The Truth map by jstevenson.jpg