This piece was done for an author who will be publishing sometime later.
They wanted me to change the names till such time as they published.
The author's names were cooler than mine. They were more Lovecraftian in nature.
I am going to enjoy reading their books once they come out.

There are to be 3 and the map has elements that change over the course of those 3 books.
I am just showing map 1 here, so as not to ruin any story progress.
I'll share the actual map once the author publishes.

The sketch provided to me by the author was really cool.
I felt like the author could easily have used their own map, but I'm glad they worked with me on this.
It was loads of fun. Hopefully we'll work together again.
Have a great week everyone. Cheers, J

Lands of Farsin by jstevenson.jpg