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Thread: Meiglid The Large peninsula!

  1. #11
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azélor View Post
    All these words have a similar meaning since they are synonyms. But they are more appropriate in certain context.

    Yes. You could name it Persian Empire or Empire of Persia. I think the latter is the most formal way to write it.

    There is also Empire of the Persian. It has a slightly different meaning suggesting that the Empire is owned by the people. It's false, it's just propaganda.
    And lastly, they could name it after the ruling dynasty, such as the Achaemenid Empire.
    That would be ''Japanese Empire''.
    Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
    Azelor explained it quite well. I will add some more info in Japanese so you can grasp better idea of the differences between the words.

    Area - 場所、地域、または国の特定部分。「たいていTerritoryとRegionより小さくて「地域」という 言葉は一番合うと思っています」
    Terriroty - 国の、または誰かに支配されている陸地「海さえ入ってもいい」の地域です。「多分日本語の合う言葉は領土、 領地、領域」
    Region - 特定の世界の地域。よく何かで知られている、例えば山々の地域、海岸の地域。あるいは大きな公的な地域です 。例えば東アジアと太平洋地域。

    Empire of PersiaとPersian Empireはまったく同じ意味です。文法的にEmpire of「何とかかんとか」は一番使いやすい。最後に国の名前を入れるだけです。
    「何とかかんとか」Empireの場合は国の名前を活用しないといけません。「誰の」Empireになりま す。日本語の場合はただの「の」という助詞を入れればよい。中国の帝国。それによくその助詞を抜いてもいい 。中国帝国。英語の場合は「中国の」は Chinese、「ペルシアの」は Persian、「日本の」は Japaneseになります。
    考えだしたの名前は英語の活用が難しいかもしれないので Empire of「国の名前」の方が使った方がいいと思っています。
    I see! Azélor and Voolf, thank you very much!
    I could understand roughly.

    I will try to notation in the "Empire of「国の名前」".
    The name of the created the empire.

    I have rewritten some text.
    This is "Political map of Meiglid. All 27 countries. Meiglid Common Era year 1300."
    Meiglid Common Era was defined by the ancient great emperor in South Meiglid.

    Meiglid-Political map 01.jpg
    Political map of Meiglid. All 27 countries. Meiglid Common Era year 1300.

  2. #12
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    It looks good.
    I assume a Marquisy is the land ruled by a Marquis?

  3. #13
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azélor View Post
    It looks good.
    I assume a Marquisy is the land ruled by a Marquis?
    Thank you!
    Your assume is correct.

    The Marquis of Sfirisen is the "King" for the mountainous people.
    The Emperor of Eikmis judged this "king" to be equivalent to the marquis.
    The main reason that Marquisy of Varsen and Marquisy of Sasemes are "Marquisy" is because the monarch's pedigree is not king.

    This Marquis have high independence. And they are not king's vassalage.
    (The Marquis in the south are nominally obedient to the emperor. However, unlike other imperial territory, the emperor has not sent the governor to Marquisy. )
    And the northern Marquis is a complete independent lord. However, Marquis of Sasemes is the last independent Marquis.

    Oh, "Prince" is not just a royal boy's point. My search was not enough.

    I thought the Marquis's territory was Marquisy.
    Because the territory of Count is County. (I thought, considering County of Tripoli in mind)

    I did not know it in detail.
    A powerful lord who is not a royalty is also "Prince".

    If so, I think that the territory of the Marquis should also be written as "Principality".

    Is it better to write "Principality of Varsen" rather than "Marquisy of Varsen"?

  4. #14
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    The combination of political map and road map.

    I thought about some.
    Are there any combinations that you feel interesting?
    Also, please let me know the combination you recommend.

    Should I clarify the border line?
    Is elevation map combination important or insignificant?
    Should the country be indicated in color or on a border line? Or both?
    I have a lot of choices, so I am troubled. Hmm ....

    Meiglid-07.jpg Meiglid-08.jpg Meiglid-09.jpg

  5. #15
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    It is usually called a Marche in English, probably based on the French word. Although the term Maqruisat (French uncommon) or Margrave/Margraviate (German more common) have also been used in the Holy Roman Empire.

    Marches were normally given more independence because they were located at the edge of a kingdom/empire, so they could deal with threats.
    They could become independent states but that does not sounds very prestigious considering what marches are.

    would be the land owned by the prince.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by qhqhTerra View Post
    Should I clarify the border line?
    Is elevation map combination important or insignificant?
    Should the country be indicated in color or on a border line? Or both?
    I have a lot of choices, so I am troubled. Hmm ....
    It would be better if you make the lines thinner and dots smaller.
    You also added shadow to every elevation level. In my opinion it looks better without it. Like the first uploaded map.

    There is a member here called vorropohaiah. He is creating awesome atlas style maps. I think you can check out how he manage to do all the lines, guides and cities.
    Here is just one of his maps, you can see more here.
    New Horizons
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    All my non-commisioned maps are FREE for personal use. Get them at my home page New Horizons
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  7. #17
    Guild Journeyer Jerron's Avatar
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    Do all of the countries of Meiglid have the same language? All of them have the same prefixes for kingdom, empire, republic etc.
    Or is there some kind of lingua franca? Or are the maps made from the perspective of one certain culture/language?

  8. #18
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azélor View Post
    It is usually called a Marche in English, probably based on the French word. Although the term Maqruisat (French uncommon) or Margrave/Margraviate (German more common) have also been used in the Holy Roman Empire.

    Marches were normally given more independence because they were located at the edge of a kingdom/empire, so they could deal with threats.
    They could become independent states but that does not sounds very prestigious considering what marches are.

    would be the land owned by the prince.
    I see. Your comments have given me various inspiration and challenges to solve.
    I am very grateful!

    I should have learned more about the Royal and noble ranks in Europe.

    Because I was thinking only of the translated title, I was not able to make the country name I made into an appropriate English word.

    Moreover, Royal and noble ranks vary over time and in the geographic regions.
    So, I feel more complicated.

    The problem I have now is what Meiglid's "Marquisy" matches in English.
    As a result of various thinking, I thought that principality is suitable.

    I will explain the history by taking the southeast part of Meiglid The Large peninsula as an example.

    The history of Meiglid and the history of Europe are different.
    This difference makes it difficult to understand Royal and noble ranks in Meiglid.

    The political map I uploaded is the map of 1300 years. (Meiglid Common Era year 1300)
    The Marquis of Varsen was established more than 500 years ago from this era.
    The ruler of the surrounding area at that time was Empire of Enmanlolfa.
    However, as the empire declined, many "Marquis" became independent for defense.
    Meiglid-10 Empire of Enmanlolfa.jpeg

    At this point it may be more appropriate to call "powerful family", "nobility", or "Fürst" than to call them "Marquis".
    However, they liked the same title as "those who defend the Border territory". They thought that claiming this title strengthens the legitimacy of land domination more.

    Among several "Marquis", "Marquis of Tisen" was particularly powerful.

    So "Marquis of Tisen" began using the title "King".
    This was accepted and justified by Empire of Enmanlolfa.
    This "King" is the title of the ancient kingdom older than Empire of Enmanlolfa. This may be similar to "Pharaoh".
    It is below the emperor's position of Enmanlolfa, but it means that it is above the surrounding country.

    However, Kingdom of Tisen declines.
    And again, "Marquisy" fought against each other.
    At this time, Empire of Enmanlolfa already has almost no military power.
    The majority of the empire's capital is dominated by "Marquisy of Letiis".

    Ultimately, Marquisy of Eikmis became powerful.
    And Ecommus, which became the strongest force in the area, began to claim that "We are an empire" imitating Empire of Enmanlolfa.
    There was no country where we could stop it any longer.

    Most "Marquisy" became Province of Empire of Eikmis.
    However, "Kingdom of Tisen" and "Marquisy of Varsen" far from the center of Empire of Eikmis remained independent.

    Therefore, the "Marquis" of Varsen is not established by the emperor of Eikmis.
    And Varsen is not independent from Eikmis. It was originally independent.
    Incidentally, a religious system similar to the Pope in medieval Europe was owned by Empire of Enmanlolfa.

    And I thought that the countries corresponding to this "Marquisy" are "Fürstentum", "Herzogtum", "Markgrafschaft".

    In particular, "Fürst" is very similar in meaning to "侯" which is the title of the Kanji culture area, so I think that it is appropriate to mean "Marquis".
    And the English word corresponding to "Fürst" (German) is "Prince". Perhaps, it is the "Prince" of meaning close to "Lord".

    So I thought that more appropriate words to represent this "Marquisy" would be "principality".

    I am welcoming other translations. Also, I would be happy if you point out any mistakes.

  9. #19
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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  10. #20
    Guild Member qhqhTerra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
    It would be better if you make the lines thinner and dots smaller.
    You also added shadow to every elevation level. In my opinion it looks better without it. Like the first uploaded map.

    There is a member here called vorropohaiah. He is creating awesome atlas style maps. I think you can check out how he manage to do all the lines, guides and cities.
    Here is just one of his maps, you can see more here.
    I appreciate your advice and referrals!
    This guild is a really nice place.
    I will look into his map in detail.

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