Wow, great work I like it! Did you do the illustrations yourself? they're awesome! ( I mean both the tiny ones and the characters)
Wow, great work I like it! Did you do the illustrations yourself? they're awesome! ( I mean both the tiny ones and the characters)
Last edited by Naima; 01-27-2024 at 08:35 AM.
I'm considering making some changes to the world in my work to refine it. Originally, I envisioned a planet where civilizations and places are extremely distant from each other, leading to isolation. I'm contemplating whether it would be better to turn this planet into a smaller one, maybe around 1/3 or 1/2 the size of Earth, with similar atmosphere and gravity. Alternatively, I'm thinking about treating it as a 1/4 of the northern hemisphere map, eliminating the cold area around the south pole and using it as a regional map. These changes are aimed at developing the lore and creating eventually regional maps.
Not sure if its worth doing though as would be mostly for fun and no direct commercial or even usage practical destination.
Npte apart the large chasm is based partially on Mars large Canyon .
Thankyou , I didn't have much time lately so I haven't check but I will soon, I am still not sure if to make it a small planet or a zoomed part of a planet, in first case I might have issues with plausibility and realism, I am not sure what would happen or if would be possible at all, in the second case I would loose basically just the southern cold area.
I think you can have a smaller planet than earth that is habitable in the right conditions, but I am certainly no expert. I would guess it would have to be a younger planet so that it still had an active core and magnetosphere (either that or an artificially terraformed one such as has been proposed for Mars).
Here is the Calculation and research done .
Could You help me verify if everything is correct?
This would mean I could reduce the planet size to the Mars like size and preserving the similar gravity to Earth by altering a bit the Core composition of the metals and so the density and attraction.
This will allow me to reduce distances and consider to scale the map above to half and eventually halven it even more if I will consider it to be just a single side of the northern hemisphere.
reducing so the distances by 4 times.
Planet Data:
Planet Ausur
Volumes :
Radius 3400 Km
• Volume = (Vmantle ): 1,6455274666666666666666666666667e+20 m^3
• Volume of the Core (Vcore ): 2.9605×10^19 cubic meters
• Volume of the Mantle (Vmantle ): 1.325725××10^20 cubic meters
• Volume of the Crust (Vcrust ): 2.4675 ×10^18 cubic meters
Core Heavy Metals Proportions:
• Iron (Piron ): 75.6%
• Nickel (Pnickel ): 22.0%
• Other Heavy Materials (Pother ): 2.4%
• Crust Density (Dcrust ): Assumed to be Earth's crust density, 2,700 kg/m³
• Mantle Density (Dmantle ): Assumed to be Earth's mantle density, 3,300 kg/m³
• Dcore≈7,732.12kg/m³ Dcore=(Piron⋅Diron)+(Pnickel⋅Dnickel)+(Pother⋅Doth er)
o Iron Density (DironDiron): 7,870 kg/m³
o Nickel Density (DnickelDnickel): 8,910 kg/m³
o Other Heavy Materials Density (DotherDother): 10,000 kg/m³
Mcore= Miron+Mnickel+Mother = 7.37339×102^4 kg
Miron = Piron×Diron×Vcore = 1.4114×10^24 kg
Mnickel = Pnickel×Dnickel×Vcore = 4.1157×1023 kg
Mother =Pother×Dother×Vcore = 4.4805×1022 kg
Mmantle=Dmantle×Vmantle = 4.3796425×10^24 kg
Mcrust=Dcrust×Vcrust = 6.67025×10^21 kg
Mplanet=Mcore+Mmantle+Mcrust = 1.1123109×10^25 kg.
• gg is the gravitational acceleration (gravity) in meters per second squared (m/s²).
• GG is the gravitational constant, approximately equal to 6.67430×10−116.67430×10−11 N·m²/kg².
• MM is the mass of the planet in kilograms (kg).
• RR is the radius of the planet in meters (m).
This formula relates the gravitational acceleration (gg) to the mass (MM) and radius (RR) of the planet.
g=(6.67430×10^(−11) N·m²/kg²⋅1.1123109×10^25kg)/(3400⋅1000 m )^2
I really like the map, but also everything around it, the setting, the vignettes and the characters. A remarkable piece of worldbuilding that adds even more character and substance to the map! Well done!
Thankyou , I appreciate it.
I think I have wronged the calculations because everytime I input the data into calculators online I get different results...