Here's three of the maps I did for a recent Open Design project - Tales of the Old Margreve:




The anthology draws on fairy stories of the old school. Anyone who read the Brother’s Grimm wouldn’t go gaily into the forest looking for elves. This forest is one of ancient power and you disrespect it at your peril.

The 113 page pdf has a Gazeteer of the Margreve to orient yourself in the setting, some rules for tweaked magic, 12 flavourful monsters and 8 full length adventures. The adventures are all written by different authors, which brings a fantastic variety to the challenges they present, but the joy of this supplement is that each adventure ties into the overall theme of the book – resulting in a well rounded impression of the world these stories inhabit. I had a lot of fun creating the dark forest setting that runs through the whole anthology.

As they're commission pieces they are rights reserved.