That IS cool. The layout of the cultures is really appealing.
That's just so cool! nivce work Josiah, I think I'm gonna reshape my rivers too..
That IS cool. The layout of the cultures is really appealing.
I think the only border I have with you is where the Empire is, and if you're not friendly they will try to defend against you! (of course the other factions in this country would love to see you invading)
Thanks! I'm wondering if your monks are also cheese hating, then they could be in league together. Heheheh
I started writing and came up with a lame story about a young cheese-hating-monk-dude and was wondering how I could post it (if anybody wanted to read it) without taking up tonnes of room.
Do you want to change you thread name to Territories of Ami-Kotrai? Or is that just transitional at the moment?
I was wondering, so I can place your country name on the big map.
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Very nice mountains, and your rivers seem to be in perspective with them! I like the outlining of the political situation![]()
Thanks Lingon! Actually, the mountains are a brush I put together, I was originally going draw them by hand, but I wanted to make them smaller to make the country seem bigger, and that would have taken a long time. I made them myself, so I don't feel like a cheated too much.![]()
I've gotten a bit more now. J. Edwards, I think I will keep the name Territories of Ami-Kotrai.
I've got some names for places, not sure if they're final. I made a plateau where there will be savage tribes and all sorts of strange animals. In and west of the Eksher mountains the will be dwarves, some cheese hating monk dwarves and some not. And the non-cheese-hating-monk-dwarves hate the cheese-hating-monk-dwarves because cheese is one of the dwarves favorite foods.
I put a bunch of dots for cities in the Haschmal Empire, just to get an idea of the cities.
Josiah's Lands.jpg
A question: Since I changed the shape of my rivers a bit to try and make them more isometric looking, how will the borders work because they won't fit to the rivers perfectly..
Looking good Josiah! I wondered already about the same thing.Due to this, i haven't done the border-rivers yet, but i think we'll find a solution there. If you finalise the rivers i can import it into my map (or the other way around...) and make it the border.
I would say to just keep your country borders the same, even if the rivers change some.
We'll deal with that when it comes time to put together the BIG map at the end.
And this is looking great Josiah. Love that plateau.![]()
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