There would be a bit of a scale mismatch anyway. Each one of our districts could swallow the entire dungeon project many times over at this present moment in time
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There would be a bit of a scale mismatch anyway. Each one of our districts could swallow the entire dungeon project many times over at this present moment in time
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
That’s really interesting the way you’re drawing this part of the city : really different from the one before !
As always I can’t wait to see it done !
Well I am *definitely* on the lookout for someone to draw the surface bit of a guild dungeon entrance ! I originally thought that Voolfs hand drawn map was the surface but I was mistaken and its more like an upper subterrainean level and what I thought could have been trees is more rock. So if you can do something with some hand cart rail tracks heading into a cave then sure that would be just grand ! I would not worry about the scale mismatch or anything like that - the link from your entrance would head down to Voolfs map as the centre piece to a new zoomy level and then some links from that to either another dungeon or probably the current guild dungeon level we're all doing.
I think I may do a map myself which is the interface bit around Voolfs so that there is a point which can link that map the current guild dungeon. Voolfs map shows the entrances to his map so its not going to be mind stretching to work out how your entrance will join up with his map. So theres no real restrictions on what your cave entrance has to do other than to have rail tracks going in.
Your cavernous bit of your other city section was really awesome so I would really like to see you do it.