Ah, awesome. Makes a lot of sense now. Thanks for telling us.
Hey, I think we have an answer for the mysterious web-shaped symbols, Stone Quarries. Who knew?! And it looks like the rectangular crosshatch is for coal mine.
Found a legend for the plat maps at the State Historical Society of Missouri - Plat map of Cooper County 1877, at the bottom of pg.8
Hooray! but I still like the giant spider theory, it does seem like hobbit country there.
Ah, awesome. Makes a lot of sense now. Thanks for telling us.
YAY! Perfect. Excellent work.
I actually love the non-standardization of old maps. Makes for some really unique experiences.
I had been wondering if it wasn't some drainage ditch. Most of the legends I found rendered quarries differently.
Writer & Designer - kmalexander.com
My FREE historical cartography brushes: Myer, Hogenburg, Kensett, Zuodong, Ishikawa, Hyacinth, Ende, Homann, Zatta, Janssonius, Vischer, Braun, Ogilby, Van der Aa, Gomboust, Harrewyn, Popple , Donia, Bleau, Aubers, L'Isle, Widman, Walser, Lumbia, Lehmann, and Moronobu Gansai, Mokuhanga, also de Fer Cartography, Battlefield, Settlement
Some examples, just because I find this stuff really interesting...
Here's it more hatching, less defined.
Sand and Gravel puts are more pit-like here, (Four down, three across.):
Also these:
This was REALLY common and was a big reason why I was looking elsewhere. For a long time, I wondered if it wasn't some sort of hydrological symbol, like a french well, or something.
Shoulda done what Rwhyte did and went to the source. Excellent work.
Last edited by KMAlexander; 08-27-2019 at 03:09 PM. Reason: Added one more example. :)
Writer & Designer - kmalexander.com
My FREE historical cartography brushes: Myer, Hogenburg, Kensett, Zuodong, Ishikawa, Hyacinth, Ende, Homann, Zatta, Janssonius, Vischer, Braun, Ogilby, Van der Aa, Gomboust, Harrewyn, Popple , Donia, Bleau, Aubers, L'Isle, Widman, Walser, Lumbia, Lehmann, and Moronobu Gansai, Mokuhanga, also de Fer Cartography, Battlefield, Settlement
"Hypsography"...my new word for today. Thank you for this as well.
Dwight Williams, Storyteller
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