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Thread: The World of Eldaron [WIP]

  1. #11
    Guild Member ScotlandTom's Avatar
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    As promised I have an update this evening. Managed to get the Northwest Continent done.

    Eldaron 04.png

    I'm kind of developing this style as I go. The mountains became a bit bolder in this pass and my pine forests were re-done with better detailing. I'm actually at a point where I'm considering re-doing the temperate forests and jungles to match the detailing of the pine forests. I much more like the way the pine forests look and the other forests look almost silly to me by comparison. I think I'll leave things as they are for the time being, but I'd be interested in some other opinions.

    EDIT: Oh yes, and I also added a more prominent, stipple-like border around the continents that I think gives the map some richness and helps the continents pop a little more. And of course I'm trying out some early ideas for labeling.
    Last edited by ScotlandTom; 01-15-2012 at 08:13 PM.

  2. #12
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Oct 2011


    I like the rendering of the landscapes, I can directly see whats what. I realy would like to see the rest of the map, are you planning on adding more different terrains?

  3. #13
    Guild Member ScotlandTom's Avatar
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    The rest of the map looks pretty much the same as it did when I posted it earlier in the thread. I haven't posted the whole thing since then because little has changed and I figured I'd post higher-res images of the areas I've been working on.

    Different terrains... Well, here's my current plan as far as detailing is concerned. Because this style is so representational I've kind of decided to skip some of the more minor details. I'm leaving out hills because at this scale I think they're pretty inconsequential. I'm also leaving out other minor details like minor rivers, tributaries and small lakes. Again, at this scale they'd just be cluttering up the map. What I am focusing on are major geographical features - large forests, plains and jungles, major mountain ranges and notable cliffs. I've got a couple of marshes/swamps in there and a couple of the smaller deserts. On the Southeastern Continent there will be a giant desert, so we can look forward to that. I also will need to go back over some of my mountain ranges and add in a few volcanoes. I also hope to add a few more fantasy type elements where I can fit them to make the terrain more fantastical.

    So yeah, lots of ideas for what I'd like to do to keep the terrain varied and interesting, we'll just have to see what I can cram in there.

  4. #14
    Guild Member ScotlandTom's Avatar
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    Another continent done. I may or may not try and finish up the northeastern portions of the map tonight. We'll see.

    Eldaron 05.png

    At this point I'm happy enough with how the temperate forests and jungles look that I really don't feel like changing them. The next time I try a map in this style I'll definitely do something different, but I have to admit I'm a bit anxious to be done with this one.

    Added some palm forests (dunno if those are really even possible, but what the hey). I also further added to the distressed look of the piece, which I'm now much more satisfied with. And after experimenting with creating some different looking mountains I decided to revert to the same style I had been using. While many of these mountain ranges probably have differing characteristics I imagine the map maker in this case probably knows there are mountains, but he's never seen them and so doesn't know how to differentiate them. As I do regional maps of this world I'll work harder to make various areas unique; I just don't think it's necessary right now.

    As always comments and critiques are welcome.

  5. #15
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    For my huge Map, i did do different mountain styles but in the end its a question of scale. For such a Map, that Shows the Complete World it wont Be important. But i agree, some unique Elements will give your Map a Lot of flavor.

  6. #16
    Guild Member ScotlandTom's Avatar
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    Perhaps I'll just continue as I am, doing a basic pass on everything and then I'll go through and do a "flavor pass" to add some unique elements and spice it all up a bit.

  7. #17
    Guild Journeyer maxsdaddy's Avatar
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    Westfield, NJ USA


    Very nice map. Have some rep.

  8. #18
    Community Leader Lukc's Avatar
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    Seoul, South Korea


    Damnit, this map is turning out gorgeous. But I just noticed something ... the coniferous forests somehow don't fit your other forests. They seem too "low" at the edges or something.

  9. #19

  10. #20
    Guild Artisan Clercon's Avatar
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    Eslöv, Sweden


    Looks very nice! I like the feeling of the contnents.
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