This is a PS painting of various combined hand drawn elements.
It's a combination of architectural drawing and that structure's place on the map.
This references back to a previous map [last one - Peng lI - Island of the Moon] posted here -

Tenma House lies on the eastern shore of the SuMiHan peninsula on the western end of Peng Li, the Island of the Moon.
Built by a lost sailor from far off Cardemir, it stands alone between the town of SuMi and the city of HoFan, looking north out upon the Gulf of HoFan and the far fabled lands of Taolan. It's builder, Corvedir, and his love, far islander Tal'enha, ended their long lost voyageon the legendary Island of the Moon after years lost out on the vast Qai'dran Sea.
His ship, the Long Bow, was of designed by his father, a master ship builder in the port city of Mir-Saladem in western Cardemir.

Corvedir sailed the Long Bow, his father's last ship, as a merchant trader on the Cardemin Sea regularly dealing in trade with Minpara and tribes from Memkizan and Junghin on the northern edge of an ancient empire.

A voyage to the misty lands of Qalash lead to misfortune when the Long Bow was set upon by Qalabar pirates and Zoltari fighters. To evade them, the ship headed south into unfamiliar waters and was not seen again for fifteen years.

Tenma House 01d [lo].jpg