Hello fellow cartographers! Hope you are all doing fine.

I haven't been very active on the Guild lately, mostly due to work.
Anyway, here is the latest map I've worked on.


It was a commission by Cape Horn, an outdoors clothing brand, of a celebratory map for the 400th anniversary of the discovery of CAPE HORN.
The idea was to create something of a blend of cartography, illustration and a bit of infographic, along the lines of some of the beautiful National Geographic Magazine supplements.

My main inspiration was Richard Edes Harrison, so I worked from there following the client's brief.

The work hasn't been 100% approved yet so there might be some minor changes.

Sorry if the type is a bit small but it is a huge map which is supposed to be printed as large as possible.
Also, I might add some wips and extra information later.

Done in pencil, Photoshop, and a tiny bit of QGIS.

Comments and critique are most welcome!