I could never get into those books; they were incomprehensibly boring to me. But that map is fantastic. That's going to be something special when you're done.
latest progress, 35% scale
and I know the rivers aren't quite proper yet, blame the author (lol)
everything's stretched a bit because at their current locations, they would be too distorted on a globe,
so I did my best to stretch things in a similar way to Gaia's world map
waddya think?
any ideas. suggestions?
I could never get into those books; they were incomprehensibly boring to me. But that map is fantastic. That's going to be something special when you're done.
Read the foreword in the first one - where the author himself said that his books weren't for everyone, but if you "survived" the first third of the book, you'd probably like it
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lol, that's about right, I had to survive the first 3rd of each one of those books, they do tend start out slow, but once I got into them I couldn't put it down.
Amazing work Sadist. Had to come have a proper look.
Gonna be great complete, and just hope SE can drop a few tidbits here and there to help with the unknowns.
here's the most recent work, I lightened up the whole thing just a bit, makes some of the details easier to see, some of the rivers aren't meeting up with the ocean at the moment (I'm working on it) also some of the mountains and things aren't showing up quite right, I'll work on those too
any CnC you guys might have is most welcome!
Last edited by Sadist; 06-01-2010 at 03:33 PM.
I can't view the attachment at a bigger size - the image says it cannot be displayed because it has errors.. ::shrug::
But, I really dig what I've seen so far. Fantastic stuff. The scale reminds me of a similarly fancy map somebody did of the Warhammer world a few years ago.
And please, pretty pretty please, include the Bridgeburner symbol in the legend whenever you get to wrapping up this map!
I'll try re-uploading it
in the meantime here is a link:
Oh and yes! wait, Bridgebruner or Bonehunter? I don't remember the Bridgeburner symbols being described, but I might have just forgot about it