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Thread: Battle for Fallujah

  1. #11
    Guild Member DungeonMasterGaz's Avatar
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    Oct 2008
    Manchester, UK


    This looks like a really great project. The board is beautifully rendered, and I like the different zones you've created within the city. I'm a CD3 user, so I can imagine the work you put in to draw all those mililions of tiny buildings!! I also like games that are tactical, chess-like, with added twists and was happy to see the real-world influences represented with the media and political pressure tracks - nice touch!

    As a confirmed boardgame geek, I prefer the old-style counter designs rather than the ones with photos. I think the map has all the bling you need, so perhaps going with more gritty counters will bring things down to earth. This would look fantastic with detailed minis as the pieces, but there's me just wishing!


  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by DungeonMasterGaz View Post
    This looks like a really great project. The board is beautifully rendered, and I like the different zones you've created within the city.

    Quote Originally Posted by DungeonMasterGaz View Post
    I'm a CD3 user, so I can imagine the work you put in to draw all those mililions of tiny buildings!!
    OMG. It. Took. Forever! And the fact that CC3 opens the last image saved meant I had time to tear my hair out while the bloody thing loaded every time I started it up again.

    Quote Originally Posted by DungeonMasterGaz View Post
    I also like games that are tactical, chess-like, with added twists and was happy to see the real-world influences represented with the media and political pressure tracks - nice touch!
    The political and media aspects are the most important aspect of the game. If the coalition just keeps blowing **** up, they lose. The red numbers on the counters represent heavy weaponry, the over-use of which will push the media track up as images of burning schools etc get broadcast around the world (pro insurgent media had the effective monopoly on images coming out of the city). As the media track rises it pushes up the political pressure track. This can lead to an automatic end to the game as the politicians put the brakes on the mission.

    Quote Originally Posted by DungeonMasterGaz View Post
    As a confirmed boardgame geek, I prefer the old-style counter designs rather than the ones with photos. I think the map has all the bling you need, so perhaps going with more gritty counters will bring things down to earth. This would look fantastic with detailed minis as the pieces, but there's me just wishing!
    This is why I decided to post these here. The feedback has been great and has made me relook at the map and counters with a different and more critical appreciation. I'm not sure I'll use everyone's ideas, but they are getting me thinking. As for minis? My course prof recoils at the thought of blocks, so minis would send him over the edge! By the way, my user name over at Boardgame Geek is Salar.

    Last edited by John Anderson; 03-31-2009 at 07:01 AM.

  3. #13

    Post Nice job!

    Nice job, I like the fact you chose a recent battle giving it a "current events" feel to it. Nice looking board.

    But where are the Journalist Tokens?! I don't see a Geraldo Rivera token!

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  4. #14


    Thanks again, I hunted high and low for an open source film camera icon thingy, and then decided to go with clear yet functional.

    These are the rest of the markers and that should pretty much be it on the counters, markers and map.

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  5. #15


    [sigh]...except for the counters/markers I have changed that is.
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