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Thread: The 3d globe project and the world of Vaeya

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    Default The 3d globe project and the world of Vaeya


    Here's where you sign up, Enjoy!


    Here's the latest version of the game map for Verrago: The Fantasy Globe Game. For regular updates, find us on Facebook by searching for "Veridian Worldcrafters". Also, here's a convenient tool for all links for this project: Enjoy!
    Snippet4(without Globegamefeatures).PNG

    The Style has been majorly upgraded after a lot of work! I welcome the feedback and I hope you enjoy it!

    Thank you!

    Style Snippet.PNG

    Here's the old prototype. I'm working on the new one with the globe manufacturer for my game Verrago: The Fantasy Globe Game.



    So it's been a while! I've been diligently working on Verrago: The Fantasy Globe Game (Like us on Facebook for updates on the game by searching for Veridian Worldcrafters) and upgrading the world map. I just started learning WILBUR and it's blown me away with how awesome of a program it is. So awesome that I was inspired to write Waldronate a professional love poem (check the general forum at the top of the list to view it).

    So here's the goods after the first day:


    More photo's available upon request


    Here is a link to the new thread showcasing the release of the first true Globe Game, Verrago - The Globe Game!

    Featured during Gen Con this year in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Aug 2-5!

    Greetings all! I've started a new thread showcasing the finishing elements of this project before I get the 3d scan in. I plan on touching it up digitally, then after that arcane process is worked out I'll hand paint the rest of the colors onto the continents. I still have to figure out weather patterns, rainfall, biomes and the rest. This globe is prepared for a 3d scan to get .obj and .cad files using an Artec Space Spider. Any assistance for getting the .obj files into Adobe Illustrator would be a huge help. Enjoy!

    Here is a link to the old thread if you are interested in seeing more of the artistic process:

    Now, here is the eye candy:

    Last edited by Vigilus; 04-12-2020 at 11:39 AM. Reason: new links

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