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Thread: Contract infringements

  1. #11
    Community Leader Jaxilon's Avatar
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    How unfortunate that someone would do such a thing. It's not going to get him another map from you and it's certainly not going to endear anyone here into taking on his projects in the future (if we know who they are or can figure it out by looking at your work and looking at what we see in the front of a book). I don't know about the rest of you but as soon as I see a map in a book, the first thing I do is try to see if I recognize the artist and then find their name. Failing in that, It's not that hard to do a google search of an image to find out.

    I would also back up the idea of not handing over your .psd files, especially if you work layer magic in there. Those are sort of your personal trade secrets or at least things that take lots of practice to learn. If they want the .psd they should pay a much higher price. After all, it seems to me, they are looking to replace you when they want those. I have provided them myself on occasion but I do as J.Edward mentioned and flatten many of the specialized layers. If you hired an oil painter to paint you a picture you would only get the final image and perhaps some scratch pages. If you want to know how he drags his or her brush across the canvas well, have fun with that.

    TimPaul has words of wisdom as well since you want to make sure you take the high road. In the long run that makes you the better person.

    Worst case, post your stuff in your portfolio, chalk it up to the cost of education and learn the lesson so you don't repeat it.

    Don't let it get you down though, keep making art.
    “When it’s over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best that you were capable of? If so, the score does not matter. But if you find that you did your best you were capable of, you will find it to your liking.” -John Wooden

    * Rivengard * My Finished Maps * My Challenge Maps * My deviantArt

  2. #12
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected sword peddler's Avatar
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    I really think you should name the publisher. You don't need to go on a social media **** storm, but you'd be doing no harm in naming the culprit here at the CG. But your fellow dudes & gals here stand only to benefit from knowing what to look out for in the offending client and potential problems in the future. Plus, if everything has happened as you say and they gave 0 credit despite agreeing to do so, you are not spreading libel by talking about it.

  3. #13


    Yikes, that stinks. Sorry to here your client violated the terms of your agreement by not crediting you. I can't think of what the motivation would have even been.

    I have nothing to recommend beyond what other members have already done however. I do know that as a general rule artists are loath to offer their clients original layered files. I do also agree that addressing this breech of contract with your client would be a good idea. I hope the issue is resolved to your satisfaction.


  4. #14
    Guild Journeyer
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    Thank you all!

    A little update; I e-mailed him about this, telling him that I checked his work and noticed my name is missing, 'whats up with that' and so on. Previously before I noticed this, I shared author's Facebook post where he told his work has been published. Obviously in good intentions, giving a shoutout to someone I had worked with.

    I wanted that there is some mark about this on social media as well, so I came up with this - I commented on that sharing post, roughly translated "Seems though that the maps are missing my name, shame. But they are definately mine. "

    One thing I just don't understand; I was asked to make a colored map but he has also solo'd to make black&white out of it (which looks awfully flat). Guess he didn't want to pay for the work of both... From now on, sharing psd. is definately off the table as a standard approach.

  5. #15
    Guild Adept TimPaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilgoth View Post
    Thank you all!

    A little update; I e-mailed him about this, telling him that I checked his work and noticed my name is missing, 'whats up with that' and so on. Previously before I noticed this, I shared author's Facebook post where he told his work has been published. Obviously in good intentions, giving a shoutout to someone I had worked with.

    I wanted that there is some mark about this on social media as well, so I came up with this - I commented on that sharing post, roughly translated "Seems though that the maps are missing my name, shame. But they are definately mine. "

    One thing I just don't understand; I was asked to make a colored map but he has also solo'd to make black&white out of it (which looks awfully flat). Guess he didn't want to pay for the work of both... From now on, sharing psd. is definately off the table as a standard approach.

    Keep a couple things in mind. If you consider yourself a professional, airing your dirty laundry is viewed as unprofessional, even if you are the victim. A professional needs to get all the facts before getting upset.

    Also, this guys is a self publishing indie author. Is this really going to be worth your time? I'm all for artists standing up and fighting. I am. I talk about it professionally, I encourage it when I talk to students, and I'm a big artists rights advocate.

    But that all needs to be tempered with perspective. Most self published authors sell very little of their books. Yes, some do well and make money. But they are the drops in the ocean of the sea of self publishing. We only hear about the success cases, because there are to many non successful to bother even making a list.

    So, how much time, are you willing to put in dealing with this guy, who you will probably never work with again?

    And remember, if he wants to be a jerk about it, all he has to do is NOT REPLY to you. Then what are you going to do? My copyright lawyer charges $250 an hour, and that's the minimum. To write a letter to this guy, just to have it on my lawyers letter head, would cost at minimum, $250.

    How much did you get for your map? Will trying to defend this, and get what you want, cost more?

    These are all serious questions when dealing with legal issues.

    As far as making a colored map, and it being black and white. The art for inside books is always generally black and white. So he probably just converted it to grayscale. Hence, it looking flatter. For me, I generally work in color for my maps, and then I convert to grayscale, so I can control the quality. It doesn't take long.

    As for turning over .psd files. Sometimes you have to give them layered files. I do with maps I create for publishers, so if they need to tweak or nudge things, they can. Sometimes they want to pick up elements from the map and use them as decoration in the book.

    Don't get so ridged out of some desire to control everything, that you make yourself appear difficult to work with.

    Most people will honor agreements, as will most companies. Don't let one jerk, make you the jerk down the road.

  6. #16
    Guild Journeyer
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    TimPaul - not about airing dirty laundry. Simply stated there that the name is missing, as my schoolmate bought the book and asked why it wasn't with my name on it. I am not even gonna continue this further. Besides, the author has blocked me on his Facebook too (I copied my email and messaged there as well).

    I know books tend to be black&white, it's just sad thing that instead of letting me do the conversion and make it look as good as possible. Instead it is black outlines with one shade of gray over it. To me the whole publication came out as surprise, because he said it's still rough WIP and won't be out anytime soon.

    Mainly this hurts, because I haven't been asking too high rates yet as I still find myself as a beginner. I put lot of hours for those small coins, and then seeing your name ripped off that didn't feel too nice.

    Granted, I've now had 8 different people working with me and he is the first one with anything negative. Rest have been all nice and understanding. 'Easy' too, as many know exactly what kind of maps they endorse.

  7. #17


    I agree, Ilgoth - time to move on and steer away from this sad little mess.

    Leave it behind you and be thankful that you do not share this author's fate, as authors who burn their bridges so easily are unlikely to come to anything much. They always end up ruffling too many feathers to do very well.

    At least your future is still bright

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