I'm starting a new map, which I've been researching for a few days now, "Hannibal's March through the Mountains". I'll be incorporating Jospeh Minard's - "Map of the Losses" to show the troop size as it is reduced by battles, travel and accidents.

3rd century BC, 2nd Punic War between Carthage and Rome. Rome naval supremacy dominates the region. Carthage has begun to conquer areas on the Iberian Penninsula and Hannibal tries to draw Rome into a conflict to engage in war by attaching the city of Saguntum on the Iberian coas. Rome basically ignores this siege, which requires Hannibal to set out to attach Rome, joining up with allies in northern Italy. This requires marching his troops over the Pyrenees and through mountain passes in the Alps, eventually arriving in the Po Valley to meet up with the Gauls before marching toward Rome.

### Latest WIP ###HannibalsMarch1.jpg