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Thread: Animator's Lab

  1. #11


    Looks good to me. Maybe put a little more shadow near walls simillar to rooms because it looks too bright overall imo.
    Looking forward for this one.

  2. #12
    Guild Member
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    May 2017
    Bangkok, Thailand


    Wow, that looks great. Very impressed.

  3. #13
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Nice maps, I think you are right about the purple shadows.

  4. #14
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Blaidd Drwg's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    Weert, Netherlands


    I put this project aside for a while to work on other things, but I picked it up again. I completely redid the shadows. It's still not entirely right, but a lot better than the previous version at any rate.
    I really wanted a warmer and stronger glow for the candles/lights inside, but I can't seem to make those work. I have the lights in a solid color fill layer, set to overlay, so I can quickly change the colors. But maybe the color isn't the problem? Needs more fiddling!


  5. #15


    Looking good! For candles, did you try a layer of highlight over a the color layer? Playing with opacity & layer effect, I suppose you could find something.

  6. #16
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Blaidd Drwg's Avatar
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    Weert, Netherlands


    Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
    Looking good! For candles, did you try a layer of highlight over a the color layer? Playing with opacity & layer effect, I suppose you could find something.
    Haven't tried that, since the color layer was also like a highlight. I'll give it a try, thanks for the tip!

    Regarding that: do masks over a color layer have different effects than just color in an otherwise transparent layer (all other settings being equal).

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  7. #17

    Default Not too Purple

    Hi there. I really like your style. It reminds me a ggod deal of 2minutetabletop's style. Earlier you posted a version where you positied that the shadows were a litttle too purple. I actually liked the first version a great deal. i feel that the juxtaposition between the purple shadows and the yellow lighting adds a whole lot of depth. I would be interested in how you achieved that actually.

  8. #18
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Blaidd Drwg's Avatar
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    Weert, Netherlands


    Quote Originally Posted by Ignis-fatuus View Post
    Hi there. I really like your style. It reminds me a ggod deal of 2minutetabletop's style. Earlier you posted a version where you positied that the shadows were a litttle too purple. I actually liked the first version a great deal. i feel that the juxtaposition between the purple shadows and the yellow lighting adds a whole lot of depth. I would be interested in how you achieved that actually.
    Thanks! I'm afraid I don't really remember what I did, exactly. I've modified the original Photoshop file so many times. I think it was just a color fill layer, with blend mode set to "normal", but lowered opacity. I painted in the shadows and highlights by modifying a mask on that layer. This way I can quickly change the colour of the entire layer if I don't like it (and which I did, manymanymany times ). I hope that's a bit helpful.

    I'm calling this one done now. It's as good as it's going to get, and I'd rather spend my energy on new projects without having this one lurking in the back of my mind all the time. These unfinished maps really know how to guilt trip me

    Thanks everyone for the feedback and suggestions. I really appreciate your help!


  9. #19


    Love the sewers. My favorite part of any city !

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