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Thread: Erion

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  1. #1
    Guild Member StarRaven's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Eastern US

    Wip Erion

    So, mostly finished at this point, for the moment at least. This is my first decent attempt at labeling anything (aside from notes on my hand-drawn maps), so if anyone has suggestions, I'd love to hear them. I guess I'll start on important regional maps next, once this is done....

    Edit: Fixed the borders to be less bright, and realized that I'd posted a slightly outdated version anyway. The new one has a logo. Yay.

    Edit Again: Edited the tundra-ish part of Shan to make the mountains more visible. Added city icons and labels. How do the city labels look? Also added the logo (original.)

    Edit #3 (I think): Tree trunks! Do they look okay? Or just dumb? And fixed the wonky-looking rivers. I think they're better now. Now there's a version without labels, and one without forests. I'll upload one with labels when I'm done re-labeling some things and fixing up the labels themselves to look a little better. It might take a little longer than usual, since I've decided to make a black and white map of Kelunia (labeled in attachments) and its important areas and cities for a book I'm writing. (Mostly for my own reference, but also in case we decide to actually put a map in the book itself.)

    Also, I accidentally forgot to save it after I put in the icons and smaller labels. So now they're all gone, boo hoo! Thankfully, I've still got them as brushes so they'll be easy to put back in. Whew.
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    Last edited by StarRaven; 04-21-2009 at 06:10 PM. Reason: Changed world map again.

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