Great maps Torgaard. I love your lighting and contrast.
Great maps Torgaard. I love your lighting and contrast.
Thanks guys, and thanks for the tips! I'll try to post some WIP shots this week.
Thanks Torgaard,
These are great. If only I had known! I should have looked. I just ran the first chapter of HotDQ last Friday. I would have borrowed these had I seen them - they'd have been nice on our overhead projector/digital mapping table. I'll be watching here to see if you create any for the next chapter! The Raider Camp!!
What I started working on next was the 1st (possible) encounter in Episode 2. The "Stragglers". I'm kinda going overboard here and I don't know why I'm going this big with a map that probably won't be needed:
bmap - Stragglers.jpg
I'll edit this post with an updated map when I finish it.
Edit: updated on 3-14-15, this is now a map for the 1st encounter in Episode 2 "The Stragglers".
Kinda wanted to add more ground clutter as I wanted it to make it seem like our stragglers decided to stop and rummage through a chest or two, etc but this will have to do.
Last edited by Torgaard; 03-14-2015 at 03:31 PM.
These are great. I've been looking everywhere for maps to cover these areas and love them. Can I ask what software your using, I tried to do the same thing in Dungeon Designer 3 but wasn't able to get the path and lighting to work correctly and I would love to create and share with the community as well.
I'm using Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud). It's a steep learning curve if you're new to it, but it's incredibly powerful once you get rollin' with it. It's cloud based now, so you can pay Adobe $10 a month and you're off to the races.
Stay tuned, as I'm gonna start in on the "Rearguard" map now. Gonna try to have it done in a few hours (which is when our session will start).
Ok, after a bad computer crash and alot of data and rebuilding and just plain old other stuff pulling me in other directions, my 5E campaign recently started up again and I had to hurriedly slap together something to make the Sanctuary map semi-usable. This is absolutely not a finished map, but it's what I used for the encounter. The party has moved on, so I may not get back to this map, but thought I'd at least post it if anybody can use it in it's current state:
Thats some amazing lighting and fire. Almost makes me thing of some CRPGS.
Thanks for the great work.
I have bought so many maps for other modules from Mike Schley and others, figures the one campaign I end up in, there isn't any maps for.
My DM will use these to great effect.
Thanks again.
Ok, well this is kind of a hot mess of incomplete, unfinished color/brightness/hue/saturation adjustment, etc - but session starts in an hour. Gotta prep.
This is my version of the "Rearguard" map. If the party doesn't reach this encounter this session, maybe I'll come back and finish it.
bmap - Rearguard.jpg
Last edited by Torgaard; 03-14-2015 at 07:05 PM.