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Thread: [WIP] Castle Ravenloft 2D Battle Maps REDUX!

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  1. #1

    Default Purchase

    Is there anyone that can print this to very heavy stock and sell for a decent price.?

  2. #2
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    Question Would love these!

    I found these in my search for some maps and they look amazing. Were they ever finished and if so where could I obtain them? They are just what I have been looking for for my upcoming CoS group.

  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdooweloc View Post
    I found these in my search for some maps and they look amazing. Were they ever finished and if so where could I obtain them? They are just what I have been looking for for my upcoming CoS group.
    Sorry buddy, I never finished them. I knew how to use photoshop, but I DIDN'T know what I was doing with every bit of the map. So I was teaching myself a lot as I went and I was slow.

    By the time I actually got to playing my CoS game, other people had already finished the maps and made them better.

    While I am flattered that anyone would still like my maps after all these years, I run a small business now and a local game group that tries to play as often as possible. I have very little time to work on side projects these days.

    Check out these links:

    Hope that helps! Good luck!

  4. #4

    Default Interested in make my own board game maps.

    Hi wthrasherd I´m just looking for any program or software to make similar maps like yours. As I´ve seen in the forum many of the maps are made with textures in software like gimp or photoshop, but I´ve read about other programs like Dundjinni or Fractal Mapper. Do you use any of these programs or simply you use image and textures to make your scenery? By the way I love your map and the details of the ground, stones of walls and clouds...

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    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danteinmix View Post
    Hi wthrasherd I´m just looking for any program or software to make similar maps like yours. As I´ve seen in the forum many of the maps are made with textures in software like gimp or photoshop, but I´ve read about other programs like Dundjinni or Fractal Mapper. Do you use any of these programs or simply you use image and textures to make your scenery? By the way I love your map and the details of the ground, stones of walls and clouds...
    Hello, danteinmix!

    I use Photoshop and Illustrator to do my artwork. I utilize some "pre-made" elements from various cartography programs such as Campaign Cartographer Annuals, Dunjinni Community, mapTool community. But I've really found that making my own stuff is the best way to go. So I have spent hours creating textures and such just for my maps. When I was creating this Castle Ravenloft map, I was just beginning to try to do as much on my own as possible. It was slow and difficult to find "pre-made" artwork that suited my needs.

    Photoshop or a GIMP variant is the way to go. Illustrator or a vector image app (Inkscape maybe?) is useful for making some elements.

    To "redraw" a map in a game book, or to do an original map of your own design really needs "freehand" drawing or tracing. What I mean is there are lots of "modular" cartography options on the market, but to use those you really need to create the map first THEN decide what purpose it serves. Some people like to design that way. I like to know what the purpose is first, then draw a map that is appropriate.

    Since I first discovered fantasy role-playing games, I have drawn maps and thought up my own worlds and fantastic places. I truly love just to let my pen wander and come up with something and often I'll write something about it and bam... idea for later use! I have only recently (past 7-8 years) have been teaching myself how to do stuff digitally. Maps are also not my focus right now (obviously), but I'm working on balancing out the personal/day job life and some indie publishing. So I hope to be back on the map train soon.

    As for what textures and such that I use: some come from cartography apps (as I mentioned above) but I have a photography hobby and take pictures of EVERYTHING. I also have tons of stock images I use for composite work and such. I take this and that and play mad scientist in Photoshop and see what happens. If I find something I really like, I save it for later use (perk of digital work). I'm also pressed for time and can be lazy when it comes to some of the more "boring" parts of the maps, so sometimes I may find a style or look of someone else or some random image and I will imitate it in my own fashion.

    I sincerely appreciate your interest and your kind words. Apparently, I should have finished this map... People from all over the web (outside of this site somehow) have hit me up about it and still do (as you have) all these years later. That's AWESOME. Thank you very much. Please feel free to ask any further questions.

    Peace be with you.

  6. #6
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Hey folks! Thanks for the feedback!

    @Jacktannery, the white cloudy stuff is "The Mist" of Ravenloft. It doesn't have to stay and the background under that layer in Photoshop IS black, so that could be an easy fix. Right now I'm going to focus on getting the map done and then I will go back and adjust the overall aesthetic details. Unlike most maps on this forums this one isn't going to be as much of an "art project" as much as just trying to put together a visually appealing FUNCTIONAL map. I have already found things I would like to go back and do over, do a different way, or edit otherwise, but I'm just leaving it alone for now and trying to get usable maps up for my game and anyone else who needs them. What I plan on doing at the end of the project is to have some variations put together in a zip file or on my Google Drive and then people would have some choices on their preference. I agree the coloring is just a tiny bit dark on the walls, but I'm not sure the rest of the map needs to be brightened up. MAYBE a touch... but that comes at the end either in my workflow. Thanks for the feedback. Keep it coming!

    @Falconius, the Grid is hard to see on the floor pattern. I made some adjustments last night that make it look better, but I'm not sure you can really see the grid lines still. I will work on it. I personally turn on the grid in Roll20 and usually set it to some bright color that stands out. That way I don't have to deal with the grid issue when i'm making my maps. I have included the grid here MAINLY just to keep an eye on scale and such while I'm laying the dungeon out and for when I reference the adventure maps. I will work on it and try to make it better for those who want the grid on the map. There will be versions that offer with and without a grid in the end. Thanks for the feedback!

    Great stuff folks! Keep it coming!

    I've been out of town ALL DAY and JUST got home, so I haven't made much progress since the last post. I'm pooped, so I'm not sure how much work I will get finished today. Be patient... it's coming

  7. #7
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Wip Stairs, stairs, and more stairs!

    I have been saying (thinking?) the word stairs so much since yesterday that the word itself has started to sound weird. ANYWAY, I have rested from my all day outing yesterday and I'm nice and refreshed and ready to get grinding on this map today!

    Today's goal is, as the post Title says: S T A I R S.

    This dungeon has all kinds of stairwells, some spiral and some straight. I've always used pre-drawn map symbols for these VTT maps, but today I'm learning how to make my own damn stairs. After going through my map symbol collections and a few failed experiments on the best way to do these stairs I have decided that map symbols aren't going to work AND look good. I found a short tutorial on the guild here about shading stairs, but anomiecoalition starts with some sort of pre-generated graphic from Campaign Cartographer and I need to be a little more flexible than that. I'm going to use anomiecoalition's shading method for the stairs, but I'm going to draw my own in Adobe Illustrator and then import them into Photoshop. I'm not nearly as experienced with Illustrator as I am Photoshop, so there might be a little trial and error in the beginning.

    If ANYONE has more tips for doing STAIRS, PLEASE send them my way! Thanks in advance!

  8. #8
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    Here are a couple that I used when making my version of these maps (Keith on Roll20). Your maps look great BTW.



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    Be aware that two of the spiral stairs between Larders of Ill Omen and the Dungeons and Catacombs do not line up. There is another one from their is a straight stair from the Court of the Count up to the Rooms of Weeping that is also too short.

  10. #10
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Do you mean they don't "line up" from level to level or what? And what are you talking about the "too short" part? Thanks for the help!

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