Starting to put bits together...
### Latest WIP ###
Coming together.png
Not a complete map so no WIP tag, just the base floor plans of the elevator.
20 silos house c floors.png
Starting to put bits together...
### Latest WIP ###
Coming together.png
Good, I'm curious to see what that will do. What I don't get for the moment are arrows to the watchtowers which go through the drawing, at first I took them for real objects (sort of cables), you could perhaps put several "watchtowers" labels ? Just my opinion of course
### Latest WIP ###
Coming together 2.png
Yep, haven't fixed the area map yet - it'll be bigger and labled differently, among other things.
Opinions on the fonts for the info boxes?
Some options:
text e.png
I like your zombies and soldiers.
I do feel the white background distracts me from your actual map. And spending a few minutes with a random brush on loooow opacity and adding some shading to the ground and the river would go a long way to make it more immersive. Try it. From experimenting, some things open massive doors for future maps.
I hope that helps. Good luck for the last few days.
~ Maps-DriveThruRPG ~Free Maps and Assets ~Current Project~
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~The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
~ Psalm 19
Do have plans for most of that. Main question is the fonts.
Very immersive concept. I like it a lot. For the fonts, I like the old typewriter looking font.
This one:
I feel it captures the feel of the military trapped in a grain elevator the best. At least from the military perspective that is the font that I think they would use if they were producing this map.