Wow, great start! Very promising .
Ah! I thought you were talking about the whole map at first glance. I'd forgotten the scroll...The thing is, I'm trying to represent a Japanese theme, not reproduce a historically accurate work of art. This place is based on japanese srchitecture and art, but its still fantasy, i guess , so some things are not realistic in com parison to real world japan. Yet I don't even know if that scroll will be kept on the map.
As for the second question, yes, a road leads from the castle entrance, crosses the bridge, and further on (out of sight) splits into three. Two of these roads turn round to circle the ridge. Hope I make sense.
And thanks ladiestorm!
Thanks for the into too rdanhenry!
I am looking foward to see more of this, the beginning is very promising!
Bunch of changes. Paper, perspective, mountain slope style (inspired by Vool's Raum's Stronghold) and cloud placements.
And ink's next.
Look forward to seeing this inked.
Ink done! Again, terrible scan... and tomorrow's the watercolour...
EDIT - oh, and yeah, only one smudge ### Latest WIP ###
Last edited by MapMappingMapped; 03-12-2019 at 06:10 AM.
### Latest WIP ###
It's done!
I sure learnt a lot during this challenge, and though the finished work isn't exactly as I had hoped, I'm still content for the lessons learnt. (I just feel the watercolour's a bit...lacking.)
Now I can take the time to comment on the other entries
EDIT - I just don't like anyone zooming in to see all the slips
Last edited by MapMappingMapped; 03-13-2019 at 10:32 AM.
Uh, just noticed I forgot to paint the trunks of the trees. Not sure I'll do it, I can barely manage to even look at it.
I don't think the trunks need doing!
The thing about ink and colour wash is that the colour really is only a wash - a suggestion. The detail is in the inking, which is exactly what you have done.
I don't understand why you seem to feel so disappointed with it, MMM. I think its beautiful
(and that's not an invitation for you to pull yourself apart! In fact I won't listen if you do!)
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