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Thread: July Challenge: The four Haskwood Canifers

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    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Post July Challenge: The four Haskwood Canifers

    Long ago there were mighty Haskwood Canifers found throughout Ansium. These tall and straight trees would stretch up to the sky with barely a branch before 100' and then spray the canopy wide. They were rare but treasured by lumberjacks as well as carpenters and were cut only if there was a need for such a straight and true trunk.

    Then later when outsiders came in and took them away for ships masts and other less needy uses the population of them dwindled. As such the price for them went up and the species as a whole became almost extinct in Ansium.

    They were obliterated first in areas next to water where they could be cut and floated away. Next, the ones on the plains and then the hills.

    Only in one area did they continue to exist. In the fenlands the trees were cut where they could be, but there were areas where it would be insanely hazardous to go let alone cut trees and haul them away. So there were years where you could see a Haskwood Canifer from afar in the lowlands around Deathchaser Fen.

    It so happened that there was a drought (does the US spell this word as stupidly as the english?) and the water receeded allowing Ebenezer Longaxe deep enough into Deathchaser Fen to fulfil a lucrative contract for four Haskwood Canifers for a set of ships. A platoon of armed guards and helping hands were hired and set off for Deathchaser Fen. After much toil, a few attacks, the sweat and loss of coin for Ebenezer the four trunks were hauled up to Thrub. Ebenezer set the huge trunks down in the lumber yard and waited for the return of his client for the rest of his coin. The contact did not show and the trees sat idle for several years.

    Sangham Delling was a property developer eyeing a site ripe for a new upmarket inn. The plans were audacious with a large and open bar with side saloon. The area would be large and it needed pillars to hold up such a monstrous roof. The four Canifers would be perfect and knowing that they sat idle made an offer which for ordinary lumber would have been ample but for Haskwoods from Deathchaser Fen ? Ebenezer thought not and the pair argued for a while and the animosity over it grew. Nobody else wanted to pay to have these enormous trunks hauled across wilderness for weeks and Ebenezer would not back down and accept the loss after the memory of the fens.

    Well Ebenezer suffered yet more loss when his sawmill caught fire. Many suspected foul play but with no evidence and facing ruin the trunks went to Sangham, Ebeneezer left for a new life and the Inn was started. The carpenters were about to strip the bark when Sangham insisted that the full glory of the Haskwoods show through. They were to be made the center of attention and a personal gloat for Sangham. In fact the Inn would be named "The Four Haskwood Canifers" just so that noone would foget it.

    Here is the original sketch - which does not show the trunks... but heck what can you do ? The map is much further on than the sketch now. More to follow.
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