Okay, so it's a been a while since I last took part in a challenge or done too much in general. I may be a little late to the game in this one, but still going to give it a decent shot.

There's no WIP for this first post, so I better say a little more than the title. It took me a while to think up something to do for an arena. I was tempted by doing classic structures such as the Colosseum or the Stadium at Olympia, but also wanted to do something a bit different, so was scouring my brain for great fighting arenas from films, books and games etc. Eventually, I thought of perhaps one of the most epic in this regard, the classic PS2 game Shadow of the Colossus (if you haven't played it, then you are severely missing out on a true example of why video games can be as beautiful and moving as any work of art, so play it now! ).

Anywho, long story short, I chose to map the arena for perhaps the best fight from the game, the 13th Colossus: Phalanx. It's very open as arenas go I suppose, but it's still an arena of sorts, with ruins and rocky outlets scattered across. It's quite a simple map, but as I said, I left it a little late. Hopefully can still do it on time!

If all goes well, I'll post a WIP in the next couple of days.

*EDIT - as I said, it's been a while, so naturally I forgot to put the Aug/Sept thingy, so if some wizard can change this, I'd appreciate it *