Thanks for the tutorial Vorro, it took me a while to find out you had written it here !
Anyway I'm having problems with step 3. I got my landmass layer with my outerglow and a second layer above it on which I created a solid black striped pattern. Now on which layer do I create the layer mask and with what selection ?
well, its probably my inept explaining-skills :p
so, what colour is your outer glow? on my first post the outer glow is a nice petrol-blue-ish colour (the map background itself is all white - i see that yours is blue. yo uobviosuly want the outer glow to stand out against the background colour.)
from your screenshot all that appears to be missing is a layer mask on the top-most layer (with the pattern) hiding the land (so basically the layer mask should have black land and white water, if that makes any sense)
It's actually black. The land layer is white with a black stroke and black outer glow. The background is blue because it's "water". I did that so I wouldn't get confused with what is and is not land. What I'm doing is just testing and familiarizing myself with how this works. Nothing in the image I'm making will I save.
Now, how would one go about doing that?from your screenshot all that appears to be missing is a layer mask on the top-most layer (with the pattern) hiding the land (so basically the layer mask should have black land and white water, if that makes any sense)
EDIT: Wait. I think I figured this out.
EDIT #2: Nevermind.
Last edited by Adolon; 06-07-2013 at 04:04 PM.
I tried again. Doesn't work.
So basically before the last step I have, starting from bottom to top: 1) a white background layer 2) my initial draw of the land mass in black 3) the layer we created called land which is the land filled in white on which I have the outer glow and the stroke 4) a layer with a striped pattern over the whole document. The stripes are black and the space in between is transparent. Where do I put the mask, how do I do it ? Whatever I try it doesn't work.
I can't get it to work either on the last step. Is there any chance you could zip your psd file and attach it? Might be the quickest way? I love the concept it's really simple and I should be able to work it out myself, but I'm defeated!
Edit: below is my screenshot
Last edited by ravells; 06-18-2013 at 03:10 PM.
Ah, I have it now. I had black and white stripes rather than black and transparent stripes. I still can't work out why it works. Surely I should be seeing black stripes? :Edit: no wait, I did something else to get the effect see attachment.
Last edited by ravells; 06-18-2013 at 03:17 PM.