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Thread: December Entry: River Police Station

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    Wip December Entry: River Police Station

    Since I'm NOT sponsoring this month's challenge, "I get to participate!"

    As far as which method - hand-drawn, 3D rendered, or otherwise digitally created, I haven't decided. If do go hand-drawn, creating a 3D model for reference is still a good thing, so this is the way I begin...

    The Sack of Seagaard: Day 5, Eve of Destruction...
    In retaliation for the continued occupation of the Elaran Shore by the armies of Dernallion, Enythaar, the Last High King of the Elves, has planned the Burning of the Dernallion Shore, but must first take Seagaard, as the military fortress dominated the entrance to Dernmouth Harbor. With Seagaard taken, the elven fleet can prevent the Dernallion navy from entering the channel and becoming a major force in this Elven revenge plot.

    The naval fortress of Seagaard has many artillery platforms bristling its ramparts, thus controlling access to the harbor and protecting the royal fleet. An underground stream running from the distant hills exits the sea from beneath the fortress providing water, as well as subterranean access to the shore at the peninsula's end - allowing food, supplies, weapons and additional soldiers to keep the fortress at full stock at all times. Under normal circumstances, this fortress is both unassailable and resistant to seige.

    The Elven High King has called upon the deities of the sea to aid in sacking Seagaard - divine intervention will turn the tide on this day!

    The image below is just an idea of the fortification under siege... much more to come!


    ### Latest WIP ###
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