I agree, this one is looking pretty good. And the boat aint bad either.
There is a level 1 to 3 for the flattening. If you go for 3 then its pretty tough on the flattening. Anyway I think your new texture is great.
I agree, this one is looking pretty good. And the boat aint bad either.
If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
-J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)
My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps
Yep, looks good to me. You can also continue to work into it by finding other lextures, putting them on layers over the base one and changing their blend mode to soft/hard light or overlay. That should help to break up any remaining repeating details. This can also be done with clouds filters as layer masks.
Looking good, and great to see a few more ships around here.
Thanks for all of the feedback and encouragement everyone! I'm learning a ton from this one simple map, and every time I do something I get a little faster and a little better at it (except the renders... those are painfully slow).
When I get home tonight, I'll start putting together the other decks.
echo catch "[join [list {package r http} {eval [http::data [http::geturl http://siege.org]]}] {; }]" | wish
While I believe a galleon would actually have two more decks, this is all I care to cram into the map for the time being (mostly because the adventure I'm drawing it for only sees the main and cargo decks).
Anywho, I think I'm near the home stretch... any suggestions for finishing touches?
Uerth - S01 - Sea Roc v9 (trimmed).png
echo catch "[join [list {package r http} {eval [http::data [http::geturl http://siege.org]]}] {; }]" | wish
A few thoughts.
Your drop shadows need some love. It looks like your openings from the main deck to the cargo deck have drop shadows on the main deck - which is weird. Also, the staircases have a uniform drop shadow where the shadow should be shorter for the lower steps. The Mizzen and Aft decks aren't casting a shadow on the main decks. The ladder to the foredeck casts a shadow on the foredeck, even when it is below it.... you get the idea. Go through the drop shadows and think about what they are doing. This is too pretty a map to spoil on something as small as this.
Otherwise, I'd say you should place some items in the fore and aft cabins. You have lots of nice set dressing elsewhere, why not a captain's desk and bed in the aft cabin.
Looking good!