Thanks Tony
That's seriously bad news about your videos. You were making a fine collection. I really hope you can find an alternative soon. Don't give up looking
I can still map - just about, but not as large scale as before. Everything takes such a looooooong time to do now, and I'm making so many cups of coffee waiting for save operations in Krita that I risk becoming a caffeine addict! LOL! Save takes up to 20 minutes, but I have to do it before I try anything really dangerous - like a drop shadow, a blur, or a gradient fill. I've had to switch autosave off. I discovered that autosave can tie things up for about 45 minutes. And I really do mean tie things up. All other apps that are open when a Krita autosave starts automatically crash, and you can't minimise Krita to do other stuff. It just sits there - apparently frozen. It does eventually do its job and come to an end. You've just got to be patient... and drink a helluva lot of coffee!
Although I've thought about it in the past I'm really glad now that I never took on any commissions. If I had any clients relying on me to get things done within a time limit right now I'd be in a horrible mess - letting people down all over the place.