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Thread: WIP - Historical Map of Glenndom Continent - The Wallungian Empire 9th Century

  1. #11


    This is awesome. True politically-focused fantasy maps are so rare, it's a treat to see one with this much backstory. I'm trying my best to get on this level.

  2. #12
    Guild Journeyer randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    @ vaiyt; Thank you very much, Iīll try my best to go on like this. Itīs not just a pleasure to create maps but even to create a story behind the map, I think.

    @ Caenwyr:

    I took it for a compliment but in fact my girlfriend sometimes asked me, why I spend time with this (and not with her )

    I think, itīs one thing to cretae landmasses, rivers, lakes and mountains, but without an idea, of how this is functioning for the inhabitants, itīs not too interesting (for me) So having a little historical background of worlds history can give you an idea, of how history and politics may function and have a great influence into the development on (any) earth. So mix up your own ideas with historical background and choose a certain moment in history, you can create a political-historical map for this special moment in time for the chosen place...

    You are right, too. The mountains in the large eastern peninsula and in the northernmost landmass are not good, yet. Thatīs because I didnīt focus on them at this point. But I agree, for a complete map, that is no solution and so I will change this in the next steps (The mountains for the northern regions are almost completed in another map, so Iīll import them into this map. The Coastlines for the peninsula will not change too much in the future, just some little cosmetics, I think.

    So anyway, today I added some lettering of rivers and seas:

    continent guild 6.jpg

  3. #13
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Lingon's Avatar
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    You're onto something really special with this one. Keep it up!

  4. #14
    Guild Journeyer randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    So after having some more time, I added the larger cities and important towns, the main roads and some minor internal borders ...

    The cities are those with at least 5000 inhabitants. Smaller cities and towns are shown, if they are of major interest, but at this time, itīs not visible, how many inhabitants a city have got. The roads shown are important routes for trade, traveling and military movements, not all of them are secured. most are not paved...

    continent guild 7.jpg

  5. #15
    Guild Journeyer randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    I decided, to focuss a little on the north .....

    continent guild 7north.jpg

    In the last age, which ended with the great raid of the dark hordes from the north and which layed the foundation stone of the actual age - the age of the humans - the dark and the light goods supported their followers in the war of the hordes aganinst the humans and the allied elves and even some of the dwarfs. Than, the light goods smashed the so called Baldornīs sword against the incident hordes from the north. The sword - so tells the story - smashed into the hordes and cut of the northern part of Glenndom, where the hordes were coming from.

    Doing so, the so called Breach was created and only some 25.000 dark warriors managed to invade to the south, where the allied humans and elves under Elven-King Baldorn took their defensive position, awaiting heroical death, because with just about 30.000 combatants, their chance to defeat against about 150.000 dark warriors were not to good.The sword strike of the goods killed about 100.000 dark warriors. 25.000 could flee to the south or were already in the combat zone, another 25.000 fled to the north and were scattered to the four winds.

    The sword strike cut deep into the landmasses and the cutting connected the Glenndor Ocean to the Sea of Aeglos. Huge water masses poured along and the Flat lands around Vilborg, Askaaland and Ostaanuk were flooded by waves, who were some 100 Meters high. Thatīs how the dark invasion was ended by the might of the light goods and so the alliance of humans, elves and dwarfs was saved by higher powers. The remaining 25.000 dark warriors were eventually defeated by a thirty-days lasting war, costing again some 15.000 lives.

    Today, some thousand years later - itīs the northernmost Kingdom at Glenndom continent, the so called Walmiran Kingdom. In fact, this is a special kingdom, founded at the beginning of the new age, located at the new born Sea of Walmir and founded on the surviving warriors of the human alliance. After those 1000 years, the descendants of Northmen-warriors, Invit-Warriors, Samian Warriors, some half-elven warriors and of course the Askaal-Amazones who never left this historical place in order to protect humankind again and at any time, formed a strong Kingdom with a rich und multicultural society which become one unit over the centuries, never to be found anywere else.

    Because most of the inhabitants were derived from warriors and Amazones, the Walmiran Empire ist a Kingdom of warriors even today, even boys and girls are strongly in touch with the military tradition of their origine country and there is no Walmiran, up to six years, who is not able to use a sword, a spear and a shield . In the last 1000 years, no one dared to raise the sword against the Walmiran Kingdom - but even the Walmiran Kingdom did not try to expand or to go to war.

    Excerpt 1: Before the Breach was beaten: Invit and Samian Cultures lived at the flat lands and at the Lakes of Vilmeer and Askaal, at Vilmeer some Northmen settled down in Vilborg. Those settlements sunk in the Water, when Glenndor Ocean poured into the flat lands and created todayīs Sea of Walmir.Just Ostaanuuk, an old Invit Settlement partly survived and lived on in todayīs Walmiran Town of Ostanmund.


    Excerpt 2: Once, there were the Flatlands and today, thereīs the Sea of Walmir (f.k.a. Stoumti Sea) The dashed lines show the old shores of Vilmeer Lake and Askaal Sea.


    Excrpt 3: Topographical Excerpt of the scalable World map of the region - Todayīs Walmiran Kingdom

    Last edited by randigpanzrall; 04-04-2016 at 08:15 PM.

  6. #16
    Guild Journeyer randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    continent guild 7north tribes.jpg

    This excerpt is showing the different tribes, living in Glenndoms North, especially the great Evagrian Tribes, such as Wallungians, Aegerians, Danskar, Rogas and Svergas. In the eastern part, there are the Elves and the human tribes of the Finjaar and Saami, more independant political objects. Svergas, Finjaar, Saami and even some Rogas and Danskars are not organised in kingdoms at this thime and they lived together in clans, brotherhoods and smaller political unions, away from beeing organised like a Kingdom or country.

    Most of the Danskar and Rogas people found together under their outstanding new founding kingdoms but those kingdoms were not capable of uniting the whole tribes and groups, even not forcibly. Some of the Danskar Tribes fight back resolutely and refuse to unite with the Danskar Kingdom. So did some of the Rogas Tribes. First the Aegerians were organised loosely too, without a bigger and predominant Head at the top, but after beeing defeated by the wallungian Empire, Aegeria was forced under the wallungian crown and organised in dependant crown-counties.

    In the north we have some represantatives of the dark forces, mostly groups of some hundred beeings: According to the narratives, in the north, the white elves inhabit the icy and inaccessible valleys of the Drilldar-Mountains, but no human beeing ever really saw them and when...well, he didnīt get the chance to tell about...So those elves are legend in fact, but itīs sure, they are living somewhere in this region.

    The Ostfaard Orcs are a remaining group of an old war and they have withdrawn from the battlefields between Foghead and Walmirstidi. They live quite withdrawn but people always try to avoid their distribution area.

    In the Tharmont Mountains the legend says, some dozen of evil witches were living around the mountain crests, holding some orcs as servants and hostages and even kidnapping humans in order to eat them or feed them to their servants. The Evangrians thought itīs just legend, but the Finjaar and the Elves know it better. Especially the elves tried to annihilate this dark population for many centuries but the withches were undefeated until now.

    In the north, we even have the Norgrim Dwarfes. These dwarfes are brusque and unfriendly to the humans and they want to be left alone, as much as possible. In fact they hate the Ostfaard Orcs and this makes the Norgrims a bulwark against the propagation of the orcish population. Itīs a duty for the young dwarfes to go to war against the orcs in little groups up to 20 dwarfes as an adult initiiation ritual.

  7. #17
    Guild Journeyer randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    Todayīs Update:

    Some details in the north attached and the northern kingdoms of Rogaland, Danskar and Walmir outlined in colors. The wallungian territory of Aegeria filled out. I even attached some signs for historical places and historical battlefields...

    continent guild 8north.jpg

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by randigpanzrall View Post
    Todayīs Update:

    Some details in the north attached and the northern kingdoms of Rogaland, Danskar and Walmir outlined in colors. The wallungian territory of Aegeria filled out. I even attached some signs for historical places and historical battlefields...

    continent guild 8north.jpg
    historical battlefields marked with castle icon or X icon ?

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  9. #19
    Guild Journeyer randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    hi candice,

    the little castle symbols are signs for castles, important manned towers and fortifications. The little flags are signs for ruins and lost or legendary places and towns/cities. The X icons are crossed swords and in fact, they are marking battlegrounds from the past.

    In the north we have the old battlefields of the fight against the dark hordes (about 1000 years before), in the center left we have the battlegrounds of the ages, where humans fought against elves (about 600 years before) and in eastern Aegeria we have the places, where Aegerian fought against the expanding Danskar Northmen. (starting about some 30 years before but ongoing till Aegeria was captured by the Wallungians)

  10. #20
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    pretty neat - and I like the setting... seems familiar somehow
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