The idea of the large space is that it will help with traffic flow in and around the airlocks. It also allows for standing assemblies, receptions, and as an ooverflow area for the mess hall.
Just a general all-purpose space, really.
Damn, keep up the good work, man. I really like the clean look of these, and the attention to detail is astounding, right down to the variant furniture positionings in the cabins.
Question: What's the purpose of the large open space in the middle of the forward civilian/press liason quarters?
The idea of the large space is that it will help with traffic flow in and around the airlocks. It also allows for standing assemblies, receptions, and as an ooverflow area for the mess hall.
Just a general all-purpose space, really.
Deck 5: "MORGUE": "The room can also perform autopsies." Is this correct as written, it does automated autopsies?
"CYROGENICS": "otheriwse" should be "otherwise".
You might also want to label what appears to be a fleet of escape pods.
This nitpickings aside, another impressive deck plan.
And here's decks six and seven, completing the floor plan section of this ship. Now all I've got left to do is the five-view.
Before I add colors, I was planning on doing something similar to one of my other ships' three-views (that's the second image down there). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make the colors look a little bit less... flat, I guess, is the word I'm looking for.
MAINTENANCE SHUTTLE: "carrying our repairs" s/b "carrying out repairs"
REPAIR AND FABRICATION BAY: "drafting table allow for" s/b "drafting table allows for"
LIQUID STORAGE TANKS: "can go and average" s/b "can go an average"
The VALERIE: "chance" s/b "change"
Congratulations on a well-thought-out design to the Nova class. That really is amazing. What software are you using and how long does it take you to complete a deck?
Rawr. Annoying typos are annoying. Thanks for pointing them out; I'll change them.
It's done completely in GIMP, with a few preliminary sketches to settle the design. The time taken depends a lot on the deck. Decks 1, 2, 5, and 6, for example, took maybe two or three hours. The big decks (3-5), on the other hand, probably took on the order of 15-20 each. I didn't time myself, but next time I will, just to see how much time I've wasted.
Actually, it's quite clean text for something that hasn't gone through a real proofreading process. It's very hard to check your own work, because your mind sees what it "knows" is there all too often, regardless of what the eyes try to tell it.
Any chance you'll make a tutorial? (Or is there one already?)