Have you checked out the symbol fonts in these threads:
-Rob A>
My tutorials: Using GIMP to Create an Artistic Regional Map ~ All My Tutorials
My GIMP Scripts: Rotating Brush ~ Gradient from Image ~ Mosaic Tile Helper ~ Random Density Map ~ Subterranean Map Prettier ~ Tapered Stroke Path ~ Random Rotate Floating Layer ~ Batch Image to Pattern ~ Better Seamless Tiles ~ Tile Shuffle ~ Scale Pattern ~ Grid of Guides ~ Fractalize path ~ Label Points
My Maps: Finished Maps ~ Challenge Entries ~ My Portfolio: www.cartocopia.com
And our time is flyin', see the candle burnin' low
Is the new world rising, from the shambles of the old
~The Rover - Led Zeppelin
AFAIK, most of them are ttf fonts (like wingdings). Just use them as text once installed into your system.
-Rob A>
My tutorials: Using GIMP to Create an Artistic Regional Map ~ All My Tutorials
My GIMP Scripts: Rotating Brush ~ Gradient from Image ~ Mosaic Tile Helper ~ Random Density Map ~ Subterranean Map Prettier ~ Tapered Stroke Path ~ Random Rotate Floating Layer ~ Batch Image to Pattern ~ Better Seamless Tiles ~ Tile Shuffle ~ Scale Pattern ~ Grid of Guides ~ Fractalize path ~ Label Points
My Maps: Finished Maps ~ Challenge Entries ~ My Portfolio: www.cartocopia.com
Last edited by Airith; 04-08-2008 at 11:30 PM.
And our time is flyin', see the candle burnin' low
Is the new world rising, from the shambles of the old
~The Rover - Led Zeppelin
I thought I'd finally post an update of my redo. I quite like it, although this lack of symbols is stalling me a lot. I like and dislike how the forests turned out, I decided to follow the dirt a bit, that's why it's so broken up, although I liked that. Just that some parts stick up and look like clay or something.
Does the southern mountains look different from the northern ones? (divided by Torenir) It's just something that's been irking me for a while.
I can't make the current text more readable because I'm missing some of it still, sorry.
edit: Also, how does one go about connecting rivers to oceans? Although I only have one spot, it was just a 'meeting.'
(Sorry about the double post)
Last edited by Airith; 04-16-2008 at 06:50 PM. Reason: Very disconnected writing...
And our time is flyin', see the candle burnin' low
Is the new world rising, from the shambles of the old
~The Rover - Led Zeppelin
I think thats a great improvement Airith. Well done. Your progress is obvious and you seem to absorb new techniques and advice very quickly and effectively. Keep it up. I like the rivers and the settlements along them. I'm not sure about the rather heavy noise at the edges of the landforms. You may want to experiment with a bit more blur and a bit less noise.
The internet! It\'ll never catch on.
Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld
I agree. I really like the look of what you have done so far. A thing of beauty it is.
Daniel the Neon Knight: Campaign Cartographer User
Never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice!
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MY 'FAMOUS' CC3 MAPS: Thunderspire; Pyramid of Shadows; King of the Trollhaunt Warrens; Demon Queen's Enclave
With the connecting rivers to oceans I either: use the eraser to make the rivers (with the oceans as an underlying layer to the land) - having your coast outline on a separate layer or saved as a selection is a must unless you're going to try and paint it like you were on canvas,
I put the rivers on another layer in the same colour as the oceans. This has the advantage of making the rivers more easily adjustable but the downside is that if you want to stroke the rivers with a black outline, you need to use the eraser to get rid of the black lines around the river mouth. (This is what I ended up doing with my map on this project)
Your river and ocean are different colours, so you need to think about what happens when they meet (or make them the same colour). You could use a low opacity brush to merge the colours, or reflect the shallowness of the water to make the ocean around the coast the same colour as the river and then make the hard distinction into the ocean further into the sea, so it looks like a bathyscape contour.
Most of the catalogues in the first link are CC2/3 format, but the second link has several wingding fonts suitable for mapping. Start with this post: http://www.cartographersguild.com/sh...91&postcount=8
I've used symbols from a couple of the Wingding fonts that come with Windows on at least one map.
Last edited by Midgardsormr; 04-10-2008 at 08:54 PM.
Bryan Ray, visual effects artist
I looked through almost all of them, and none of them really caught my eye. There were a few sites I didn't look over too well, but it was mostly it just wasn't the type I was looking for. (I'm picky)
I was going to use the symbols from this link http://www.mapsandmore.com/maps/avarion.html that I found after LOTS of searching... I'd have to change the colors/scale and whatnot but it wouldn't fit with my current symbol though. Also I'm just guessing I'm allowed to use it because it's there and in .png Although that doesn't mean too much...
edit: I'm very jittery right now, forgot to eat and was working
And our time is flyin', see the candle burnin' low
Is the new world rising, from the shambles of the old
~The Rover - Led Zeppelin