Yep, the mountains have a very pleasant asian look, imho. Very interesting, I'm curious to see how you'll do forests and such.
Latest complete maps: East Wickham | Oghura | The Cathedral Galaxy | Jezero
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Hey Azelor, do you have an idea of name for the river bordering our countries? I propose Jhirandas (pronounced Shirandas).
Are you able to set your transparency to off for the attachment uploads so that it appears white ? I am having trouble incorporating these images into the composite map.
I got rid of the transparency. It should be easier to incorporate it in the composite map.
### LATEST WIP ###
I've added some labels on the map. I had the idea to modify them to fit the country's language, since the pronunciations are different. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the modified names or stick with the originals. On one hand, it adds more flavor but also makes things more complicated for anyone trying to figure out what is going on.
I also added some mountains but are not detailed yet. The surroundings of my country will probably look like an unfinished map showing only the major elements of the landscape with little details.
I like the idea of having labels in your native tongue, but I see what you mean about it being potentially confusing. As long as J. Edward can figure it out...!
Latest complete maps: East Wickham | Oghura | The Cathedral Galaxy | Jezero
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Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Hey there, friendly neighbor!
Any idea what kind of terrain you are putting in the northeast part of your land? I'd like to know how to color the little bit of the Kingdom that pokes into my map.
Latest complete maps: East Wickham | Oghura | The Cathedral Galaxy | Jezero
hand-drawn maps album | digital maps album | web site | blog
Most friendly neighbour!
I don't know yet. I was thinking about a rocky/hilly area but I'm not sure, I already have so many mountains.
Really like your mountains thereGood idea to label in a different language, adds a bit of flavor.