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Thread: [WIP] Atlas map of the Antuzan Empire

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  1. #1

    Wip Topo Relief of Kador

    Here’s a topo-relief style map of the entire continent.

    kador_eqdc_lat1-45_lat2-25_lon-5_heightmap Copy.jpg

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by morne View Post
    Here’s a topo-relief style map of the entire continent.

    kador_eqdc_lat1-45_lat2-25_lon-5_heightmap Copy.jpg
    Stunning! Looks very realistic

  3. #3


    Not a ton of forward progress these past few days. I decided to switch back to Illustrator from Affinity Designer. There were just a few key features I was really missing, and I could not stand the default smoothing on the pencil tool. At least Illustrator gives you the option to turn smoothing completely off. So now I'm part-way through a semi-manual conversion of the map to ai, which has been a little frustrating.

    In the mean time, here's one of the reasons I decided to switch: Vector Pattern fills. Affinity only let's you use bitmaps, and they scale weird when you apply to different sized paths. I'll be using the patterns to fill in terrain types on the map. Here's my wip pattern for forests:


  4. #4


    Wow, that's very cool. I was literally just wondering the other day why there was no software for generating climate zones. So happy to see Songs of the Eons in development!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Josh Foreman View Post
    Wow, that's very cool. I was literally just wondering the other day why there was no software for generating climate zones. So happy to see Songs of the Eons in development!
    Their recent updates did remove the ability to import custom heightmaps, so you'd have to track down an old version to get that working, but they are definitely doing some cool work.

    I also found this:, but I wasn't as happy with the results.

  6. #6


    There's a problem with your colour gradient in my opinion. The lowest colour going back into the greys is quite confusing to the eye.


    The whole atlas part is quite impressive though, and the reliefs look perfect! It reminds me of my current work and you're probably going to inspire me. ^^
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  7. #7
    Guild Expert
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    Absolutely stunning work! I have seen many people attempt this style, and do an amazing job of it, but this tops the cake... It’s truly inspiring, great job!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    Absolutely stunning work! I have seen many people attempt this style, and do an amazing job of it, but this tops the cake... It’s truly inspiring, great job!
    Wow, thank you! I'm not entirely sure I'm worthy of such high praise, but it is greatly appreciated!

  9. #9


    Well, I think I'm just about ready to call this "done"


    I'm sure there will be more modifications as I continue to fill out the other nations on this continent, but for all intents and purposes, Antuza is like 95% complete. I finished up the ocean heightmap, which I was only kind of happy about. I did it by hand in photoshop, and it's obviously not as realistic as the land topography.

    Also, I had to switch back to affinity designer, which means no pattern fills for me Illustrator has a lot of really neat features that Affinity just doesn't support, but Illustrator just cannot handle the size of my map. It becomes absolutely crippled whenever panning/zooming around, even on my desktop computer, which is no slouch. Affinity, however, handles it like a champ. Really sad that I'm missing out on Illustrator's features, but after banging my head against it for 3 days, I couldn't take it anymore. I'll be doing 5 more maps on this continent, but I probably won't be posting about them until they are all done. Instead, I'll be updating this post following my process while I work on the continent of Valmere.

  10. #10
    Guild Novice Victor's Avatar
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    This is absolutely stunning!

    What software did you use to make your height map?

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