I really like your style Pasis. It's so evocative. I can just imagining visiting this Island in a dream.
Great work!
I really like your style Pasis. It's so evocative. I can just imagining visiting this Island in a dream.
Great work!
Thanks tainotim!
@Max and Ilanthar: I suck at labeling and I thought I could get away without it. But you are right so I made a new version and added it to the first post.
This is so cool I want to live here, Caspian Sea may be a little large compared to other labels but not a big deal, the labels help call out the features, this one is an award winner
Sweet is all I can say
The Wayward Traveler
Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild
Pasis, was this done with the trial version, educational license, or the full Indie version of worldbuilder software? I've been looking at the tech for a while and wasn't sure if it was worth the annual license over other tools.
I have an older version from the time it was called Geocontrol 2. The WorldCreator is in my understanding more or less the same product with some improvements and new license packaging.
Only the enterprise version requires annual renewal and is quite expensive. The indie version is one third of the cost and it doesn't need to be renewed annually.
The student version again is about one third of the Indie version but it lack significantly in resolution and it doesn't allow any commercial use (if you plan on getting commission works done some day).
I hope this helps,
Very helpful, thanks!
Nice work!
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Nice job on textures and shadowing. The water looks very natural.
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My finished maps: here