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Thread: Thaalmyn-Duhr : The Re-load

  1. #11
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    So I've managed to re-build quite a bit of the terrain. I've still got some mountain building to do in some areas, but things are getting much closer. I changed the coloring scheme and shifted to a climate overlay that has a bit more contrast to it. At some point, before I start working on the erosion, I'll have to adjust some of the temperatures and rainfall amounts, but I'm moving forward on this once again. Not sure how much time I'll have to work on this over the next few days, but hopefully I'll make some progress.

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    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
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  2. #12
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    Had a chance to work on this for a little while today. For the most part, I've been concentrating on fine-tuning the northwestern portion of the main continent. The workflow is pretty straight forward;

    - Build-up and/or dig out elevation as needed
    - Fill Basins
    - Smooth Pre-scale Offset
    - Find Rivers
    - Evaluate River flow and adjust elevations as necessary to eliminate uncharacteristically long rivers
    - Rinse and repeat

    My initial estimate was that it would take me a couple of days to work all of this out, but I suspect it is going to take a bit longer than that. I haven't even considered any erosion yet, though I know it will change some of the river flow once it's completed. For now, two updated versions, the first showing general climate, the second showing elevation. One point to note, the climate version of the map is showing a lot more tundra-like climate than there actually will be in the final version of the map.

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    Last edited by Greason Wolfe; 09-14-2011 at 08:31 PM. Reason: Adding Attachment

    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
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  3. #13
    Guild Member Kelron's Avatar
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    Looking great so far. I prefer the elevation version, but that`s just personal taste

  4. #14
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    Bah! Suffered a major set-back on this project today.

    Normally, I export the FT file to Wilbur to check things there every time I complete a major update on the terrain. Having got in a bit of a rush to move forward on this project, I didn't bother with that step over the course of several update. This morning, I decided to give things a look and, much to my dismay, something had gone terribly wrong. The .mdr file loaded up in Wilbur just like it was supposed to, and, for a little bit, I got to playing around with it, a little erosion here, a little erosion there. Then I did a basin fill and that's when things got crazy. The terrain went from having a highest peak of around 9000 meters to a highest peak somewhere around 10^19th meters. I'm thinking that might be just a wee bit too high, yes?

    I have, fortunately, managed to backtrack through the updates and found the last file before this corruption occurred, and it looks to have had something to do with elevations along the coast, though I can't be 100% sure on that. This does, unfortunately, mean a bit of back-tracking on my part and some major rebuilding, yet again. Still, I'm not giving up on this project as it is turning into a good primer for my next major project once I've ironed out all the little steps that need to be tweaked for better results. As it stands now, I imagine that I won't have any significant updates on this project until Monday or, at the latest, Tuesday of next week.


    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
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  5. #15
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    So I spent most of the weekend toying with a variety of approaches to re-building the land masses and finally came upon a solution that gets things fairly close to what I want. It ended up being a rather lengthy process, and there's still a fair amount of work to do regarding designated island areas and the mountains (both trimming and adding), but things are moving forward again ( wonder how many more times I'm going to have to say that with this project ). One of the things I'm actually quite happy about with this update is that the coastal regions have taken on a rougher look than they had previously.

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    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
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    Completed Maps : Various Challenges

  6. #16
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    I think, at times, that there are some maps that just aren’t meant to be, and this map seemed to be one of them. After several weeks of frustrating attempts to edit the land masses and get them where I wanted them to be, along with repeated problems with that “high point” I mentioned before, I was about to close the book on this project.

    Then a strange and rather wonderful thing happened.

    As part of one of my monthly cleaning projects (I’m a bit of a pack-rat), I started sorting through unlabeled CDs. Most of them are music mixes that I listen to when I’m on the road, but I came across one CD in particular that wasn’t a music mix. I can only imagine that I must have used it when testing a new R/W DVD/CD drive I had recently installed and, as it happens, I had selected an early stage version of the original map for this project. I had only just started filling in the interior land masses, so most of the world was nothing more than deep oceans and continental shelves.

    This has opened the door to “fix” some of the things I didn’t like about the original version of this map and let me get back to working on both a local and global scale. The best part of all of this is the fact that most of those things I want to “fix” don’t exist yet, so I won’t have to delete them in order to re-build what was “wrong.” Even better is the fact that with the hardware upgrades (after the disk drive disaster) is letting me work at a much higher resolution than before, so I can be a bit more detailed about things.

    So, again, no real update in terms of the map itself, but more of a progress report of what’s been going on since my last post. My focus is still on this map, and even if it takes me another ten years to finish it, that is exactly what I’m going to do. Hopefully, though, it won’t take that long.


    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
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    Completed Maps : Various Challenges

  7. #17
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected Mateus090985's Avatar
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    I am also giving a try in FT3 for my world map. Can you give some indications of the steps that you used to achieve your current map? I mean what parameters of Incise Flow you normaly use, if you use Global Smoth, etc.



  8. #18
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    I haven't (and I'm not sure if I will) upgraded to FT3 yet, though from what I can tell, most of the work I've done in FTPro is equally applicable to FT3. As for the parameters I'm using, I haven't gotten to the incise process yet, though, in general, a2area's "Genesis of Israh" tutorial ( ), and a few of waldronate's tutorials ( ) for Wilbur and FTPro will be a starting point. Once I've reached that stage, I will be posting the parameters I've used (possibly as part of a larger tutorial), but I don't expect to be ready for that for at least another week or so given the scarcity of working time I'm experiencing as of late.

    As for the rest of it (base generation to where the map is "now") it's mostly been a matter of starting with rather small land masses, rather large seas and then a lot of pre-scale editing to get things into the general shapes I was looking for. Much of that work was based on a tutorial by waldronate for FTPro. I'll try to dig up a link for that tutorial as well as the original thread where this project started.


    Edit : The original thread for this project is here -->
    It includes a link to the tutorial by waldronate in the first or second post of the thread.
    Last edited by Greason Wolfe; 10-16-2011 at 07:15 PM.

    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
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  9. #19
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    Yay! An actual update on this project.

    I managed a few hours of rebuilding from an earlier version (1st thread) of this map and things seem to be moving smoothly. There's been a lot of re-shaping when it comes to the main continental bodies, and a number of islands have been eliminated for the time being since I wasn't real happy with their original placement. I've got some more land expansion to do, particularly on the eastern continents, but the western continents are pretty much set as far as overall shape goes.

    As a recap, I started with this;

    Thaalmyn-Duhr WIP 01.jpg

    Got it to this point of development;

    Thaalmyn-Duhr WIP 05.jpg

    Then suffered the hard-drive crash, and, for the most part, had to start from scratch with nothing more than the world generation parameters to work with. That file, for whatever reason kept getting corrupted and was leading to no end of frustration. Lady Luck smile upon me and led me to an early stage version of the original file that has allowed me to rebuild a number of areas that I wasn't particularly happy with, and now I'm up to this point in the rebuilding process;

    TDR - New WIPs 10-17-2011-A.jpg

    And that's it for now.

    Last edited by Greason Wolfe; 10-17-2011 at 08:11 PM. Reason: Fixing Attachments

    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
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  10. #20
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    At this point in the game, I've got the most significant land masses shaped out in general terms. I've still got the smaller and coastal islands to do, but they're going to have to wait for a little bit while I start tearing up the coastal regions to give the whole thing a bit more flavor. This "tearing up" process might result in some of the intermediate land masses being turned into island chains, but that's fine with me and should give everything a bit more character in the long run. I'll probably have to move a few mountains (or mountain chains) in the process, but, again, that's okay with me. I never expected this map to be done quickly, so the slow, almost steady progress is making me rather happy.

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    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
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    Completed Maps : Various Challenges

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